Coauthored Publications with: Lin

Journal Article

Dhenadhayalan, N, Yadav K, Sriram MI, Lee H-L, Lin K-C.  2017.  Ultra-sensitive DNA sensing of a prostate-specific antigen based on 2D nanosheets in live cells. Nanoscale. 9:12087-12095., Number 33 AbstractWebsite

Herein, we report ultra-sensitive sensing of a prostate-specific antigen (PSA), which is used as a biomarker to detect prostate cancer, using a molybdenum series (MoO3, MoS2, and MoSe2) of two-dimensional nanosheets (2D NSs). Moreover, the design of a 2D NS-based PSA aptamer sensor system was demonstrated based on a fluorescence turn-on mechanism in the presence of a target. The 2D NSs acted as an excellent sensing platform in which the PSA aptamer was adsorbed on the NSs and subsequent energy transfer between them led to fluorescence quenching of the aptamer. The detection limit of PSA was achieved to be 13 pM for MoO3 NSs, whereas the MoS2 and MoSe2 systems exhibited a detection limit of 72 and 157 pM, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the ultra-sensitive detection of a 2D NS-based aptamer sensor. The in vitro bioimaging measurements were performed using confocal fluorescence microscopy. Herein, PSA detection was successfully demonstrated in human embryonic kidney 293T (HEK) live cells. Moreover, the MoO3, MoS2, and MoSe2 NSs exhibit excellent biocompatibility and low toxicity; thus, these 2D NSs can be used as a promising sensor platform to detect prostate cancer. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry.

Tsai, P-Y, Lin K-C.  2011.  Doublet rotational energy transfer of the SH (X 2Π, v′′ = 0) state by collisions with Ar. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 13:8857-8868., Number 19 AbstractWebsite

The rotational energy transfer (RET) by Ar collisions within the SH X 2Π (v′′ = 0, J′′ = 0.5-10.5) state is characterized. The integral cross sections as a function of collision energy for each rotational transition are calculated using a quantum scattering method in which the constructed potential energy functions are based on a ground state potential energy surface (PES) reported previously. On the other hand, a laser-induced excitation fluorescence technique is employed to monitor the relaxation of the rotational population as a function of photolysis-probe delay time following the photodissociation of H2S at 248 nm. The rotational population evolution is comparable to its theoretical counterpart based on calculated Λ-resolved RET rate constants. The propensity in Λ-resolved RET transitions is found to approximately resemble the case of OH(X 2Π, v′′ = 0) + Ar. The Λ-averaged RET collisions are also analyzed and result in several propensity rules in the transitions. Most propensity rules are similar to those observed in the collisions of SH(A 2Σ+) by Ar. However, the behavior of the conserving ratio, defined as rate constants for spin-orbit conserving transition divided by those for spin-orbit changing transition, shows distinct difference from those described by Hund’s case (b). © the Owner Societies.

Dhenadhayalan, N, Hsin T-H, Lin K-C.  2019.  Multifunctional Nanohybrid of Palladium Nanoparticles Encapsulated by Carbon-Dots for Exploiting Synergetic Applications. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 6(19) AbstractWebsite

Palladium nanoparticles encapsulated in the carbon dots (Pd/C-dots) are demonstrated to play a role of multifunctional nanohybrid in the synergetic applications of sensor and catalysis. The photochemical method is applied to synthesize Pd/C-dots in which Pd nanoparticles (NPs) are dispersedly encapsulated by C-dots layer. The nanohybrid can function as a fluorescent sensor and reductive catalyst, due to the inherent properties of C-dots and Pd NPs, respectively. The Pd/C-dots exhibit a highly selective and sensitive detection toward the nickel (Ni2+) ion with a detection limit of 7.26 × 10−9 m. Moreover, the Ni2+ is detected in MCF-7 live cells signifying the applicability of nanohybrid as a promising sensor. On the other hand, the Pd/C-dots show an excellent catalytic performance in the reduction of 4-nitrophenol and eosin yellow. A plausible mechanism for sensing and catalysis behavior is proposed. The sensor system is designed on the basis of the fluorescence turn-on when Ni2+ interacts with functional groups of the C-dots layer. The activities of catalytic reduction are mainly governed by the Pd NPs and further enhanced when the C-dots layer is incorporated. The Pd/C-dots can serve as a new paradigm for opening a potential trend in the design of multifunctional materials to diverse applications. © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Paredes-Roibás, D, Balaganesh M, Kasai T, Gavira-Vallejo JM, Lin KC.  2018.  Cavity Ring-Down Absorption Spectroscopy: Optical Characterization of ICl Product in Photodissociation of CH2ICl at 248 nm. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 122:8344-8353., Number 42 AbstractWebsite

Iodine monochloride (ICl) elimination from one-photon dissociation of CH2ICl at 248 nm is monitored by cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy (CRDS). The spectrum of ICl is acquired in the transition of B3 0X1 + and is confirmed to result from a primary photodissociation, that is, CH2ICl + h→CH2 + ICl. The vibrational population ratio is determined with the aid of spectral simulation to be 1:(0.36 ± 0.10):(0.11 ± 0.05) for the vibrational levels = 0, 1, and 2 in the ground electronic state, corresponding to a Boltzmann-like vibrational temperature of 535 ± 69 K. The quantum yield of the ICl molecular channel for the reaction is obtained to be 0.052 ± 0.026 using a relative method in which the scheme CH2Br2 →CH2 + Br2 is adopted as the reference reaction. The ICl product contributed by the secondary collisions is minimized such that its quantum yield obtained is not overestimated. With the aid of the CCSD(T)//B3LYP/MIDI! level of theory, the ICl elimination from CH2ICl is evaluated to follow three pathways via either (1) a three-center transition state or (2) two isomerization transition states. However, the three-center concerted mechanism is verified to be unfavorable. © 2018 American Chemical Society.

Kasai, T, Lin K-C.  2017.  Coordinate Analysis for Interpreting the Decoherence in the Coherent NO with Ar Collision: A Physico-mathematical Picture Using the Stereographic Projection and the Cusp Catastrophe. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society. 64:25-35., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

We present here a physico-mathematical picture for explaining the unexpectedly large decoherence cross-section (almost 10 times larger than its gas-kinematic cross-section) recently observed by Ureña and coworkers in their scattering experiment involving a coherent NO beam with Ar gas. The present topological picture consists of a stereographic projection and the cusp catastrophe theory of Thom, and we find that this model enables us to clarify the origin of the collisional decoherence. From the view of the stereographic projection, we can naturally introduce the wave property originating from the singular point at the “North pole” on the circumference S1 coordinate corresponding to a critical point for the collisional decoherence (condition 1). This picture also predicts the sudden changes of wave-phase collapse due to network interaction in the many-body system (condition 2). Thus it is hoped that the model proposed by Ureña et al. based on the dipole-induced dipole interaction in the NO + Ar system could be modified through this picture by including interactions with many Ar atoms in the environment. One way to fill the gap between the single-pair interaction picture and the multiple interaction one would be to employ theoretical calculations by use of the density matrix theory with and without adding the second Ar atom to the NO–Ar system. The cusp catastrophe theory reinforces the necessity of some cooperative network interaction between the coherent NO molecule and many neighboring Ar atoms and provides a qualitative scenario in which the whole system leads to a sudden change of the collisional decoherence of NO as a function of the control parameters (a, b). At this stage, the present physico-mathematical picture cannot give any specific values of the decoherence distance by the theory itself, but it clearly provides us a new topological concept for clarifying the origin of collisional decoherence which is strongly connected with the complexity of the system. Thus it gives us a global guide map toward further clarification of the collisional decoherence phenomenon with the aid of more sophisticated quantum mechanical calculations in the future. © 2016 The Chemical Society Located in Taipei & Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Chen, B-J, Tsai P-Y, Huang T-K, Xia Z-H, Lin K-C, Chiou C-J, Sun B-J, Chang AHH.  2015.  Characterization of molecular channel in photodissociation of SOCl2 at 248 nm: Cl2 probing by cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17:7838-7847., Number 12 AbstractWebsite

A primary elimination channel of the chlorine molecule in the one-photon dissociation of SOCl2 at 248 nm was investigated using cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy (CRDS). By means of spectral simulation, the ratio of the vibrational population in the v = 0, 1, and 2 levels was evaluated to be 1:(0.10 ± 0.02):(0.009 ± 0.005), corresponding to a Boltzmann vibrational temperature of 340 ± 30 K. The Cl2 molecular channel was obtained with a quantum yield of 0.4 ± 0.2 from the X1A′ ground state of SOCl2via internal conversion. The dissociation mechanism differs from a prior study where a smaller yield of <3% was obtained, initiated from the 21A′ excited state. Temperature-dependence measurements of the Cl2 fragment turn out to support our mechanism. With the aid of ab initio potential energy calculations, two dissociation routes to the molecular products were found, including one synchronous dissociation pathway via a three-center transition state (TS) and the other sequential dissociation pathway via a roaming-mediated isomerization TS. The latter mechanism with a lower energy barrier dominates the dissociation reaction. This journal is © the Owner Societies.

Hsu, M-Y, Tsai P-Y, Wei Z-R, Chao M-H, Zhang B, Kasai T, Lin K-C.  2013.  Competitive bond rupture in the photodissociation of bromoacetyl chloride and 2- and 3-bromopropionyl chloride: Adiabatic versus diabatic dissociation. ChemPhysChem. 14:936-945., Number 5 AbstractWebsite

Competitive bond dissociation mechanisms for bromoacetyl chloride and 2- and 3-bromopropionyl chloride following the 1[n(O) →π*(Cï£O)] transition at 234-235 nm are investigated. Branching ratios for C-Br/C-Cl bond fission are found by using the (2+1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) technique coupled with velocity ion imaging. The fragment branching ratios depend mainly on the dissociation pathways and the distances between the orbitals of Br and the Cï£O chromophore. C-Cl bond fission is anticipated to follow an adiabatic potential surface for a strong diabatic coupling between the n(O)π*(Cï£O) and np(Cl)σ*(C-Cl) bands. In contrast, C-Br bond fission is subject to much weaker coupling between n(O)π*(Cï£O) and np(Br)σ*(C-Br). Thus, a diabatic pathway is preferred for bromoacetyl chloride and 2-bromopropionyl chloride, which leads to excited-state products. For 3-bromopropionyl chloride, the available energy is not high enough to reach the excited-state products such that C-Br bond fission must proceed through an adiabatic pathway with severe suppression by nonadiabatic coupling. The fragment translational energies and anisotropy parameters for the three molecules are also analyzed and appropriately interpreted. Busted open: Insight into the mechanisms causing C-Cl and C-Br bond fission of bromoacetyl chloride and 2- and 3-bromopropionyl chloride by following the 1[n(O) →π*(Cï£O)] transition is obtained. The figure shows the center-of-mass translational energy distributions of ground-state Br formation through a diabatic pathway for the dissociation of 2-bromopropionyl chloride. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

Liu, Y-T, Tsai M-T, Liu C-Y, Tsai P-Y, Lin K-C, Shih YH, Chang AHH.  2010.  Photodissociation of gaseous acetyl chloride at 248 nm by time-resolved fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy: The HCl, CO, and CH2 product channels. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 114:7275-7283., Number 27 AbstractWebsite

In one-photon dissociation of gaseous acetyl chloride at 248 nm, time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy is used to detect the fragments of HCl, CO, and CH2 in the presence of Ar or O 2. The high-resolution spectra of HCl and CO are analyzed to yield the corresponding internal energy deposition of 8.9 ± 1.1 and 6.2 ± 0.9 kcal/mol. The presence of the CH2 fragment is verified by detecting the CO2 product resulting from the reaction of CH 2 and the added O2. The probability of the HCl formation via a hot Cl reaction with the precursor is examined to be negligible by performing two experiments, the CH3COCl pressure dependence and the measurement of Br2 with Cl reaction. The HCl elimination channel under the Ar addition is verified to be slowed by 2 orders of magnitude, as compared to the Cl elimination channel. The observed fragments are proposed to dissociate on the hot ground electronic state via collision-induced internal conversion. A two-body dissociation channel is favored leading to HCl and CH2CO, followed by secondary dissociation. © 2010 American Chemical Society.

Dhenadhayalan, N, Sriram MI, Lin K-C.  2018.  Aptamer-based fluorogenic sensing of interferon-gamma probed with ReS2 and TiS2 nanosheets. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. 258:929-936. AbstractWebsite

The fluorogenic aptamer sensing of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) was scrutinized using two-dimensional (2D) ReS2 and TiS2 nanosheets (NSs) as a platform. The IFN-γ an important cytokine, functions as a bio-indicator to detect infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus. This 2D NSs based aptamer sensor was implemented to induce the fluorescence off/on resulting from an aptamer, in the absence or presence of a target to be probed. The fluorescence emitting from the aptamer is quenched by interacting with NSs, while the ensuing fluorescence is recovered upon addition of target. Such a fluorescence off/on mechanism was proposed based on the behavior of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between the aptamer and NSs. The fluorescence response exhibits linearity as a function of target, and the detection limit of IFN-γ was evaluated to be 57.6 and 82.7 pM for ReS2 and TiS2 NSs, respectively, being comparable to or even better than those methods adopted for probing IFN-γ. The selectivity property was also characterized with various targets, exhibiting a very specific selectivity for IFN-γ. The findings reveal that the aptamer-transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) NSs will be a great sensing pair to the development of aptamer-based biosensors. Moreover, the biocompatibility and sensing capability of IFN-γ was implemented in human embryonic kidney 293T (HEK) live cells. This is the first report to emerging fluorogenic sensing of IFN-γ aptamer with 2D TMD, showing a promising trend for future design of biosensors. © 2017 Elsevier B.V.

Veerakumar, P, Panneer Muthuselvam I, Hung C-T, Lin K-C, Chou F-C, Liu S-B.  2016.  Biomass-Derived Activated Carbon Supported Fe3O4 Nanoparticles as Recyclable Catalysts for Reduction of Nitroarenes. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. 4:6772-6782., Number 12 AbstractWebsite

Highly porous beetroot-derived activated carbons incorporated with well-dispered magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4 NPs; average size ca. 3.8 ± 0.5 nm) were fabricated via a microwave-assisted synthesis route. The magnetic Fe3O4@BRAC catalysts so-fabricated were characterized by a variety of diffent physicochemical teniques, viz. XRD, FE-TEM, VSM, gas physisorption/chemisorption, TGA, XPS, Raman, ICP-AES, and FT-IR spectroscopy. The as-prepared catalysts were exploited for heterogeneous-phase reduction of a series of nitroaromatics (RNO2; R = H, OH, NH2, CH3, and COOH) under KOH as a base, isopropyl alcohol acting as a hydrogen donor as well as solvent and also tested with other solvents. The reaction system not only exhibits excellent activity with high anilines yield but also represents a green and durable catalytic process, which facilitates facile operation, easy separation, and catalyst recycle. © 2016 American Chemical Society.

Lin, K-C, Tsai P-Y.  2014.  Molecular halogen elimination from halogen-containing compounds in the atmosphere. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 16:7184-7198., Number 16 AbstractWebsite

Atmospheric halogen chemistry has drawn much attention, because the halogen atom (X) playing a catalytic role may cause severe stratospheric ozone depletion. Atomic X elimination from X-containing hydrocarbons is recognized as the major primary dissociation process upon UV-light irradiation, whereas direct elimination of the X2 product has been seldom discussed or remained a controversial issue. This account is intended to review the detection of X2 primary products using cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy in the photolysis at 248 nm of a variety of X-containing compounds, focusing on bromomethanes (CH2Br2, CF2Br2, CHBr2Cl, and CHBr3), dibromoethanes (1,1-C 2H4Br2 and 1,2-C2H 4Br2) and dibromoethylenes (1,1-C2H 2Br2 and 1,2-C2H2Br2), diiodomethane (CH2I2), thionyl chloride (SOCl 2), and sulfuryl chloride (SO2Cl2), along with a brief discussion on acyl bromides (BrCOCOBr and CH2BrCOBr). The optical spectra, quantum yields, and vibrational population distributions of the X2 fragments have been characterized, especially for Br2 and I2. With the aid of ab initio calculations of potential energies and rate constants, the detailed photodissociation mechanisms may be comprehended. Such studies are fundamentally important to gain insight into the dissociation dynamics and may also practically help to assess the halogen-related environmental variation. This journal is © the Partner Organisations 2014.

Lin, M-C, Lin K-C.  2012.  Interaction between crystal violet and anionic surfactants at silica/water interface using evanescent wave-cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 379:41-47., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

Evanescent wave-cavity ring-down spectroscopy (EW-CRDS) is employed to characterize micellization of anionic surfactants and the related capability of removing cationic substance off the silica surface. Crystal violet (CV +) cationic dye is used as a molecular probe to effectively determine critical hemimicelle concentration (HMC) of surfactants on the surface. The HMC results are 1×10 -2, 4×10 -3, 8×10 -4, and 2.5×10 -4mol/L for sodium sulfate salts with a carbon-chain length of C-10, C-12, C-14, and C-16, respectively. A stronger hydrophobic interaction results in a less concentration required to undergo micellization. The HMC values on the surface are about half of those in solution. When NaCl solution is added, the electrolyte helps reduce the electrostatic repulsion between the anionic sulfate heads to facilitate the surfactant aggregation, and thus, the subsequent HMC is reduced. Furthermore, the probable phase change for dye-surfactant interactions on the surface at the concentration below HMC is observed, and the desorption rates of CV + are measured as a function of concentration and carbon-chain length of surfactants above HMC. Given each surfactant concentration at its respective HMC, the corresponding desorption rates are along the order of C-12<C-14<C-16<-C-10. The trend may be realized by two competing factors of hemimicelle size and number density. The consequences help with understanding how to apply surfactant in the chromatographic separation. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.

Tsai, P-Y, Lin K-C.  2010.  Fine structure-resolved rotational energy transfer of SH (A 2Σ+, v′ = 0) state by collisions with Ar. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 12:1162-1171., Number 5 AbstractWebsite

Rotational energy transfer (RET) by Ar collisions within the v′ = 0 level of the SH A2Σ+ state is probed using a laser-induced dispersed fluorescence technique, following photodissociation of H2S at 248 nm. The Ar pressure is adjusted appropriately to allow for significant observation of the single-collision induced RET process. The spin-resolved and spin-averaged rate constants are then evaluated with the aid of a kinetic model under single-collision conditions. The theoretical counterparts are calculated using a quantum scattering method, in which a newly fitted potential energy function is based on ab initio potential energy surface reported previously. The experimental and theoretical kinetic data are essentially consistent in the trend of N and ΔN dependence. Several propensity rules are found in the RET collisions. For instance, for ΔN = 1, 2, and 3, the rate constants decrease with increasing N or ΔN. Given a fixed ΔN, the rate constants of the same initial N in the downward transition appear to be larger than those in the upward transitions. In ΔN = 0, the F2 → F1 transitions prevail over the F 1 → F2 transitions (F1 = N + 1/2, F 2 = N - 1/2), whereas in ΔN ≠ 0, the fine-structure- conserving collisions are more favored than the fine-structure-changing collisions. The principle of microscopic reversibility is also examined for both experimental and theoretical kinetic data, showing that translational energies of the RET collisions are close to thermal equilibrium at room temperature. The propensity rules may be rationalized according to this principle. © 2010 the Owner Societies.

Veerakumar, P, Thanasekaran P, Lin K-C, Liu S-B.  2017.  Well-dispersed rhenium nanoparticles on three-dimensional carbon nanostructures: Efficient catalysts for the reduction of aromatic nitro compounds. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 506:271-282. AbstractWebsite

Rhenium nanoparticles (ReNPs) supported on ordered mesoporous carbon (OMC) as a catalyst (Re/OMC) through a solvent-evaporation induced self-assembly (ELSA) method were prepared. The synthesized heterogonous catalyst was fully characterized using X-ray diffraction, field emission transmission electron microscopy, N2 sorption, metal dispersion, thermogravimetric analysis, Raman, Fourier-transform infrared, and X-ray photon spectroscopies. In addition, the catalyst was applied to reduce the aromatic nitro compounds (ANCs) for the first time in aqueous media and the reactions were monitored by following the intensity changes in the UV–vis absorption spectra with respect to time. This method provides the advantages of obtaining a high rate constant (k), green reaction conditions, simple methodology, easy separation and easy workup procedures. Moreover, the catalyst can be easily recovered by centrifugation, recycled several times and reused without any loss of activity. The higher activity of this catalyst was attributed to higher dispersion and smaller particle size of ReNPs as observed from FE-TEM and XRD results. © 2017

Veerakumar, P, Thanasekaran P, Lu K-L, Lin K-C, Rajagopal S.  2017.  Computational Studies of Versatile Heterogeneous Palladium-Catalyzed Suzuki, Heck, and Sonogashira Coupling Reactions. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. 5:8475-8490., Number 10 AbstractWebsite

This perspective focuses on the mechanistic insights and complexity, which are difficult to acquire from pure experimental techniques, of the computational studies of Pd-catalyzed Suzuki, Heck, and Sonogashira carbon-carbon bond-forming reactions. These reactions consist of three fundamental steps including oxidative addition (OA), transmetalation (TM), and reductive elimination (RE) for the generation of carbon-carbon bonds from the bond-forming reactions of aryl halides (R1X) and organometallic species (R2M). Computational studies of these coupling reactions allow us to understand specific reaction pathways in the analysis of OA (resolving the linkage between coordination number and selectivity in Suzuki reaction), TM (the function of the base in the Suzuki reaction and various mechanistic options in the Sonogashira reaction), and RE (way of efficient β-hydride elimination in the Heck reaction). In addition, the reaction pathways and complexities in the full catalytic cycle of each reaction along with the future perspective are also discussed. © 2017 American Chemical Society.

Lin, K-C, Hung K-C, Tsai P-Y, Li H-K.  2014.  Photodissociation of CH3CHO at 248 nm by time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy: Verification of roaming and triple fragmentation. Journal of Chemical Physics. 140, Number 6 AbstractWebsite

By using time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy, the HCO fragment dissociated from acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) at 248 nm is found to partially decompose to H and CO. The fragment yields are enhanced by the Ar addition that facilitates the collision-induced internal conversion. The channels to CH2CO + H2 and CH3CO + H are not detected significantly. The rotational population distribution of CO, after removing the Ar collision effect, shows a bimodal feature comprising both low- and high-rotational (J) components, sharing a fraction of 19% and 81%, respectively, for the vibrational state v = 1. The low-J component is ascribed to both roaming pathway and triple fragmentation. They are determined to have a branching ratio of <0.13 and >0.06, respectively, relative to the whole v = 1 population. The CO roaming is accompanied by a highly vibrational population of CH4 that yields a vibrational bimodality. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.

Chao, M-H, Tsai P-Y, Lin K-C.  2011.  Molecular elimination of methyl formate in photolysis at 234 nm: Roaming vs. transition state-type mechanism. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 13:7154-7161., Number 15 AbstractWebsite

Ion imaging coupled with (2 + 1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) technique is employed to probe CO(v″ = 0) fragments at different rotational levels following photodissociation of methyl formate (HCOOCH 3) at 234 nm. When the rotational level, J″CO, is larger than 24, only a broad translational energy distribution extending beyond 70 kcal mol-1 with an average energy of about 23 kcal mol -1 appears. The dissociation process is initiated on the energetic ground state HCOOCH3 that surpasses a tight transition state along the reaction coordinate prior to breaking into CO + CH3OH. This molecular dissociation pathway accounts for the CO fragment with larger rotational energy and large translational energy. As J″CO decreases, a bimodal distribution arises with one broad component and the other sharp component carrying the average energy of only 1-2 kcal mol-1. The branching ratio of the sharp component increases with a decrease of J″CO; (7.3 ± 0.6)% is reached as the image is probed at J″CO = 10. The production of a sharp component is ascribed to a roaming mechanism that has the following features: a small total translational energy, a low rotational energy partitioning in CO, but a large internal energy in the CH3OH co-product. The internal energy deposition in the fragments shows distinct difference from those via the conventional transition state. © the Owner Societies 2011.

Nakamura, M, Chang H-P, Lin K-C, Kasai T, Che D-C, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2019.  Stereodynamic Imaging of Bromine Atomic Photofragments Eliminated from 1-Bromo-2-methylbutane Oriented via Hexapole State Selector. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 123(31):6799-6811. AbstractWebsite

Both single-laser and two-laser experiments were conducted to look into the ion-imaging of Br*(2P1/2) and Br(2P3/2) photofragmented from 1-bromo-2-methylbutane in the range 232-240 nm via a detection scheme of (2+1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization. The angular analysis of these photofragment distributions yields the anisotropy parameter β = 1.88 ± 0.06 for the Br∗ excited state which arises from a parallel transition, while β = 0.63 ± 0.09 for the Br ground state indicates the contribution from both a perpendicular transition and a non-adiabatic transition. When a hexapole coupled with an orienting field was implemented, the parent molecules are spatially oriented to yield an orientation efficiency |«cos θ »| of 0.15. Besides the χ angle between the recoil velocity v and the transition dipole moment μ, orienting molecules allows for the evaluation of the angle α between v and the permanent molecular dipole moment d. The angular analysis of Br∗ photofragment distribution yields χ = 11.5° and α in the range from 160° to 180° with weak dependency. In the two-laser experiments, the angular anisotropy of Br photofragment distribution was found to be smaller (0.38 ± 0.10) when the photolysis wavelength was red-shifted to 240 nm, suggesting the increasing contributions from perpendicular transitions. © 2019 American Chemical Society.

Veerakumar, P, Salamalai K, Thanasekaran P, Lin K-C.  2018.  Simple Preparation of Porous Carbon-Supported Ruthenium: Propitious Catalytic Activity in the Reduction of Ferrocyanate(III) and a Cationic Dye. ACS Omega. 3:12609-12621., Number 10 AbstractWebsite

The present study involves the synthesis, characterization, and catalytic application of ruthenium nanoparticles (Ru NPs) supported on plastic-derived carbons (PDCs) synthesized from plastic wastes (soft drink bottles) as an alternative carbon source. PDCs have been further activated with CO2 and characterized by various analytical techniques. The catalytic activity of Ru@PDC for the reduction of potassium hexacyanoferrate(III), (K3[Fe(CN)6]), and new fuchsin (NF) dye by NaBH4 was performed under mild conditions. The PDCs had spherical morphology with an average size of 0.5 μm, and the Ru NP (5 ± 0.2 nm) loading (4.01 wt %) into the PDC provided high catalytic performance for catalytic reduction of ferrocyanate(III) and NF dye. This catalyst can be recycled more than six times with only a minor loss of its catalytic activity. In addition, the stability and reusability of the Ru@PDC catalyst are also discussed. Copyright © 2018 American Chemical Society.

Huang, T-K, Chen B-J, Lin K-C, Lin L, Sun B-J, Chang AHH.  2017.  Cl2 Elimination in 248 nm Photolysis of (COCl)2 Probed with Cavity Ring-Down Absorption Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 121:2888-2895., Number 15 AbstractWebsite

Cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy (CRDS) is employed to investigate one-photon dissociation of (COCl)2 at 248 nm obtaining a primary Cl2 elimination channel. A ratio of vibrational population is estimated to be 1:(0.12 ± 0.03):(0.011 ± 0.003) for the v = 0, 1, and 2 levels. The quantum yield of Cl2 molecular channel is obtained to be 0.8 ± 0.4 initiated from the X̃ 1Ag ground state surface (COCl)2 via internal conversion. The obtained total quantum yield is attributed to both primary ((COCl)2 + hν → 2CO + Cl2) and secondary reactions (dominated by Cl + COCl → Cl2 + CO). The former is estimated to share a yield of >0.14, while the latter contributes up to 0.66. The photodissociation pathway to the molecular products is calculated to proceed via a four-center transition state (TS) from which Cl2 is eliminated synchronously. Installation of the mirrors with reflectivity of 99.995% in the CRDS apparatus prolongs the ring-down time to 70 μs, thus allowing for the contribution from 17% up to 66% of the total Cl2 yield from secondary reaction depending on the reaction temperature. Despite uncertainty in determining the product yield, the primary Cl2 dissociation channel eliminated from (COCl)2 is observed for the first time. © 2017 American Chemical Society.

Nakamura, M, Tsai P-Y, Kasai T, Lin K-C, Palazzetti F, Lombardi A, Aquilanti V.  2015.  Dynamical, spectroscopic and computational imaging of bond breaking in photodissociation: Roaming and role of conical intersections. Faraday Discussions. 177:77-98. AbstractWebsite

Recent experimental and theoretical advances in the study of the dissociation of excited molecules are revealing unexpected mechanisms, when their outcomes are tackled by combining (i) space-time ion imaging of translational features, with (ii) spectroscopic probing of rotational and vibrational distributions; crucial is the assistance of (iii) the quantum chemistry of structural investigations of rearrangements of chemical bonds, and of (iv) the simulations of molecular dynamics to follow the evolution of selective bond stretching and breaking. Here we present results of such an integrated approach to methyl formate, HCOOCH3, the simplest of esters; the main focus is on the rotovibrationally excited CO (v = 1) product and in general on the energy distribution in the fragments. Previous laser studies of dissociation into CO and CH3OH at a sequence of various wavelengths discovered signatures of a roaming mechanism by the late arrival of CO (v = 0) products in time-of-flight ion imaging. Subsequent detailed investigations as a function of excitation energy provided the assessment of the threshold, which opens for triple breakdown into CO and further fragments H and CH3O, as spectroscopically characterized by ion imaging and FTIR respectively. Accompanying quantum mechanical electronic structure calculations and classical molecular dynamics simulations clarify the origin of these fragments through "roaming" pathways involving incipient radical intermediates at energies below the triple fragmentation threshold: a specific role is played by nonadiabatic transitions at a conical intersection between ground and excited states; alternative pathways focalize our attention to regions of the potential energy surfaces other than those in the neighbourhoods of saddle points along minimum energy paths: eventually this leads us to look for avenues in reaction kinetics beyond those of venerable transition state theories. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry.

Tsai, P-Y, Lin K-C.  2013.  Note: Photodissociation of CH3COCN at 308 nm by time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy: Is CO a primary or secondary product? Journal of Chemical Physics. 138, Number 24 AbstractWebsite

This Note aims to clarify the source of CO in photodissociation of acetyl cyanide (CH3COCN) at 308 nm. From the theoretical aspects, a new pathway via isomerization transition state (TS) at 391 ± 8 kJ/mol is found leading to the CO + CH3NC products. An amount of 60% reactant molecules at 300 K is estimated to successfully surpass the average TS barrier lying above the excitation energy by 3.5 kJ/mol. Further, a prior distribution method is conducted to characterize the vibrational energy distribution of CO on a statistical basis. The pathway to CH3NC + CO yields a vibrational branching ratio (v = 0:v = 1:v = 2:v = 3∼0.63:0.25:0.093:0.032) in excellent agreement with the observation (0.62:0.25:0.09:0.05). © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.

Lin, T-W, Dhenadhayalan N, Lee H-L, Lin Y-T, Lin K-C, Chang AHH.  2019.  Fluorescence turn-on chemosensors based on surface-functionalized MoS2 quantum dots. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. 281:659-669. AbstractWebsite

The multiple sensing capabilities of molybdenum disulfide quantum dots (MoS2 QDs) towards metal ions were scrutinized by tuning their surface functional groups. The MoS2 QDs surface was individually modified with thiol-containing capping agents to form carboxylic-, amine- and thiol-functionalized MoS2 QDs (MoS2/COOH, MoS2/NH2 and MoS2/SH) by the facile hydrothermal method. Each as-prepared QDs exhibits strong excitation wavelength dependent fluorescence behavior. The design of MoS2 QDs based metal ion sensor was implemented based on the fluorescence turn-on mechanism. These MoS2/COOH, MoS2/NH2 and MoS2/SH QDs sensors exhibit superior performance towards the highly selective detection of Co2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions, respectively, due to the varied association of each functional group towards metal ions. The resultant detection limit of Co2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+ was evaluated to be 54.5, 99.6 and 0.84 nM, respectively, and the related fluorescence turn-on mechanism is verified unambiguously. The binding energies were calculated for QDs with metal ions pairs and the results lent support to the determined sensitivity. The as-prepared QDs were also successfully demonstrated to detect the above metal ions in real water samples. While becoming potential candidates in the chemosensors based on the fluorescence probe, these surface modified MoS2 QDs can offer an excellent sensing capability for specific metal ions with extremely high selectivity.

Lin, K-C, Tsai P-Y, Chao M-H, Nakamura M, Kasai T, Lombardi A, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2018.  Roaming signature in photodissociation of carbonyl compounds. International Reviews in Physical Chemistry. 37:217-258., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

An alternative to the transition state (TS) pathway, the roaming route, which bypasses the minimum energy path but produces the same molecular products, was recently found in photodissociation dynamics. This account describes signatures of roaming in photodissociation of the carbonyl compounds, specifically methyl formate and aliphatic aldehydes. Methyl formate was promoted to the excited state, followed by internal conversion via a conical intersection. Then, the energetic precursor dissociated to fragments which proceeded along either TS or roaming path. In contrast to the lack of a roaming saddle point found in methyl formate, the structure of the roaming saddle point for each of a series of aliphatic aldehydes comprises two moieties that are weakly bound at a distance. As its size increases, the energy difference between the TS barrier and the roaming saddle point increases and the roaming pathway becomes increasingly dominant. Experimentally, the rotational-level dependence of the roaming route was measured with ion imaging, while the vibrational-state dependence was observed with time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy. The roaming signature was verified theoretically by quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) calculations. As an alternative to the QCT method, a multi-center impulsive model was developed to simulate the roaming scalar and vector properties. © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

Li, H-K, Tsai P-Y, Hung K-C, Kasai T, Lin K-C.  2015.  Communication: Photodissociation of CH3CHO at 308 nm: Observation of H-roaming, CH3-roaming, and transition state pathways together along the ground state surface. Journal of Chemical Physics. 142, Number 4 AbstractWebsite

Following photodissociation of acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) at 308 nm, the CO(v = 1-4) fragment is acquired using time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy. The CO(v = 1) rotational distribution shows a bimodal feature; the low- and high-J components result from H-roaming around CH3CO core and CH3-roaming around CHO radical, respectively, in consistency with a recent assignment by Kable and co-workers (Lee et al., Chem. Sci. 5, 4633 (2014)). The H-roaming pathway disappears at the CO(v 2) states, because of insufficient available energy following bond-breaking of H + CH3CO. By analyzing the CH4 emission spectrum, we obtained a bimodal vibrational distribution; the low-energy component is ascribed to the transition state (TS) pathway, consistent with prediction by quasiclassical trajectory calculations, while the high-energy component results from H- and CH3-roamings. A branching fraction of H-roaming/CH3-roaming/TS contribution is evaluated to be (8% ± 3%)/(68% ± 10%)/(25% ± 5%), in which the TS pathway was observed for the first time. The three pathways proceed concomitantly along the electronic ground state surface. © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.