Coauthored Publications with: Lin


Lin, KC, Kleiber PD.  2007.  Gas Phase Molecular Reaction and Photodissociation Dynamics. India. : Transworld Research Network Abstract


Conference Paper

Palazzetti, F, Lombardi A, Yang S-J, Nakamura M, Kasai T, Lin K-C, Che D-C, Tsai P-Y.  2016.  Stereodirectional photodynamics: Experimental and theoretical perspectives. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1790 Abstract

Hexapole oriented 2-bromobutane is photodissociated and detected by a slice-ion-imaging technique at 234 nm. The laser wavelength corresponds to the C - Br bond breaking with emission of a Br atom fragment in two accessible fine-structure states: the ground state Br (2P3/2) and the excited state Br (2P1/2), both observable separately by resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI). Orientation is evaluated by time-of-flight measurements combined with slice-ion-imaging. © 2016 Author(s).

Lin, K-C, Nakamura M, Yang, S. J, Kasai T, Che D-C, Lombardi A, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2017.  Angular distribution of bromine atomic photofragment in oriented 2-bromobutane via hexapole state selector. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1906 Abstract

In this work, an asymmetric top molecule 2-bromobutane has been successfully oriented by using hexapole state selector combined with orientation field, followed by detection of the bromine atomic photofragment distribution in the photolysis. The photofragment is produced in both the ground Br (2P3/2) and the excited Br (2P1/2) electronic states and both channels are studied by the slice imaging technique, revealing new features in the stereodynamic vectorial properties with respect to previous investigations on non-oriented molecules. © 2017 Author(s).

Lin, K-C, Tsai P-Y, Chao M-H, Kasai T, Lombardi A, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2015.  Photodissociation of methyl formate: Conical intersections, roaming and triple fragmentation. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1702 Abstract

The photodissociation channels of methyl formate have been extensively investigated by two different advanced experimental techniques, ion imaging and Fourier-Transform-Infrared emission spectroscopy, combined with quantum chemical calculations and molecular dynamics simulations. Our aim is to characterize the role of alternative routes to the conventional transition-state mediated pathway: the roaming and the triple fragmentation processes. The photolysis experiments, carried out at a range of laser wavelengths in the vicinity of the triple fragmentation threshold, beside the simulation of large bunches of classical trajectories with different initial conditions, have shown that both mechanisms share a common path that involves a conical intersection during the relaxation process from the electronic excited state S1 to the ground state S0. © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.

Lin, K-C.  2014.  Evanescent wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy in application to chemical and biological sensing. Laser Science, LS 2014. Abstract

Evanescent wave cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy is applied to investigate thermodynamics, kinetics, orientation of the substrates on the surface, probe critical hemimicelle concentration of surfactants, and examine interaction and binding kinetics of DNA strands. © 2014 OSA.

Kasai, T, Che D-C, Tsai P-Y, Lin K-C, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2015.  Stereodynamics: From elementary processes to macroscopic chemical reactions. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1702 Abstract

This paper aims at discussing new facets on stereodynamical behaviors in chemical reactions, i.e. the effects of molecular orientation and alignment on reactive processes. Further topics on macroscopic processes involving deviations from Arrhenius behavior in the temperature dependence of chemical reactions and chirality effects in collisions are also discussed. © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.

Palazzetti, F, Lombardi A, Nakamura M, Yang S-J, Kasai T, Lin K-C, Tsai P-Y, Che D-C.  2016.  Rotational state-selection and alignment of chiral molecules by electrostatic hexapoles. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1790 Abstract

Electrostatic hexapoles are revealed as a powerful tool in the rotational state-selection and alignment of molecules to be utilized in beam experiments on collisional and photoinitiated processes. In the paper, we report results on the application of the hexapolar technique on the recently studied chiral molecules propylene oxide, 2-butanol and 2-bromobutane, to be investigated in selective photodissociation and enantiomeric discrimination. © 2016 Author(s).

Kasai, T, Muthiah B, Lin K-C.  2017.  Role of cooperative network interaction in transition region of roaming reactions: Non-equilibrium steady state vs. thermal equilibrium reaction scheme. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1906 Abstract

This paper proposes a new type of roaming mechanism. We find a signature of trajectory with chaotic behavior in the action-angle diagram of the H + H2 reaction on a LEP surface, namely the trajectory is found to be very sensitive to the initial angle variable which corresponds to the phase of the H2 vibration. The trajectory pattern switches from the direct to the complex forming mechanism, and vice versa, in the angle range (0 ∼ π). In the complex forming angle range, trajectories switch from reactive to non-reactive randomly and suddenly, as the result, we cannot predict the collision pattern from the initial conditions. Therefore, we may classify such trajectory as a new type of roaming with chaotic behavior, and it is different from the ordinary trajectory with deterministic behavior. This chaotic behavior could be due cooperative nearby network interaction (CNN effect). We also suggest that the KPP (Kolmogorow-Petrovsky-Piskounov) equation is useful to estimate the density gradient of the activated reagents, so that one can evaluate the branching ratio to various exit channels, such as triple fragmentation, tight transition state, or the roaming channel with the aid of the present classical trajectory calculation. © 2017 Author(s).

Journal Article

Veerakumar, P, Maiyalagan T, Raj BGS, Guruprasad K, Jiang Z, Lin K-C.  2018.  Paper flower-derived porous carbons with high-capacitance by chemical and physical activation for sustainable applications. Arabian Journal of Chemistry. AbstractWebsite

Porous carbon nanosheets were prepared by the carbonization of paper flower via chemical and physical activation. The structural properties of the as-prepared carbons were characterized using the techniques, such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Raman spectroscopy, N2 sorption isotherms and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), while the related morphological analyses were conducted using scanning/transmission electron microscopy (SEM/TEM). The obtained carbons exhibit a high specific surface area up to 1801 m2 g−1 with a robust porous graphitic carbon layer structure, which provides the merits for potential application in energy storage and dye removal. We carried out potentiostatic and galvanostatic measurements using a three-electrode cell in 1.0 M H2SO4 aqueous electrolyte and achieved a specific capacitance of 118, 109.5, 101.7, 93.6, and 91.2 F g−1 at 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 A g−1, respectively. The stability at 12 A g−1 was tested to reach 10,000 cycles with capacity retention of around 97.4%. We have demonstrated that the paper flower-derived carbons at activation temperature 800 °C (PFC-800) can be used as a promising electrode material in supercapacitor. PFC-800 can also serve as an efficient sunset yellow dye removal, showing the maximum adsorption capacity for sunset yellow (Q0, 273.6 mg g−1). © 2018 King Saud University

Chao, M-H, Lin Y-T, Dhenadhayalan N, Lee H-L, Lee H-Y, Lin K-C.  2017.  3D Probed Lipid Dynamics in Small Unilamellar Vesicles. Small. 13, Number 13 AbstractWebsite

Single-molecule fluorescence correlation spectroscopy overcomes the resolution barrier of optical microscopy (10≈–20 nm) and is utilized to look into lipid dynamics in small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs; diameter < 100 nm). The fluorescence trajectories of lipid-like tracer 1,1′-dioctadecyl-3,3,3′,3′-tetramethylindodicarbocyanine (DiD) in the membrane bilayers are acquired at a single-molecule level. The autocorrelation analysis yields the kinetic information on lipid organization, oxygen transport, and lateral diffusion in SUVs' membrane. First, the isomerization feasibility may be restricted by the addition of cholesterols, which form structure conjugation with DiD chromophore. Second, the oxygen transport is prevented from the ultrasmall cluster and cholesterol-rich regions, whereas it can pass through the membrane region with liquid-disordered phase (Ld) and defects. Third, by analyzing 2D spectra correlating the lipid diffusion coefficient and triplet-state lifetime, the heterogeneity in lipid bilayer can be precisely visualized such as lipid domain with different phases, the defects of lipid packing, and DiD-induced “bouquet” ultrasmall clusters. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Tsai, P-Y, Li H-K, Kasai T, Lin K-C.  2015.  Roaming as the dominant mechanism for molecular products in the photodissociation of large aliphatic aldehydes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17:23112-23120., Number 35 AbstractWebsite

Photodissociation of isobutyraldehyde (C3H7CHO) at 248 nm is investigated using time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy to demonstrate the growing importance of the roaming pathway with increasing molecular size of aliphatic aldehydes. Each acquired CO rotational distribution from v = 1 to 4 is well characterized by a single Boltzmann rotational temperature from 637 to 750 K, corresponding to an average rotational energy of 5.9 ± 0.6 kJ mol-1. The roaming signature that shows a small fraction of CO rotational energy disposal accompanied by a vibrationally hot C3H8 co-fragment is supported by theoretical prediction. The energy difference between the tight transition state (TS) and the roaming saddle point (SP) is found to be -27, 4, 15, 22, and 30 kJ mol-1 for formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, isobutyraldehyde, and 2,2-dimethyl propanal, respectively. The roaming SP is stabilized by a larger alkyl moiety. It is suggested that the roaming photodissociation rate of aldehydes increasingly exceeds those via the tight TS, resulting in the dominance of the CO + alkane products, as the size of aldehydes becomes larger. Along with formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and propionaldehyde, in this work isobutyraldehyde is further demonstrated that this aldehyde family with special functional group is the first case in the organic compound to follow predominantly a roaming dissociation pathway, as the molecular size becomes larger. © the Owner Societies 2015.

Nakamura, M, Che D-C, Tsai P-Y, Lin K-C, Kasai T.  2013.  Alignment selection of the metastable CO(a 3π1) molecule and the steric effect in the aligned CO(a 3π1) + NO collision. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 117:8157-8162., Number 34 AbstractWebsite

The aligned metastable CO(a 3π1) molecular beam was generated by an electronic excitation through the Cameron band (CO a 3Π1 ← X 1Σ+) transition. Beam characterization of the aligned molecular beam of CO(a 3Π1) was carried out by (1 + 1) REMPI detection via the b 3Σ+ state. The REMPI signals showed the clear dependence on the polarization of the pump laser, and the experimental result was well reproduced by the theoretical simulation. This agreement confirms that aligned metastable CO(a 3Π1) can be generated and controlled by rotating polarization of the pump laser. By using this technique, a single quantum state of CO(a 3Π1) can be selected as a metastable molecular beam. The steric effect in the energy-transfer collision of CO(a 3Π1) with NO forming the excited NO was carried out with this aligned CO(a 3Π1) molecular beam. We find that the sideways orientation of CO(a 3Π1) is more favorable in the formation of the excited NO(A 2Σ+, B 2Π) than that for the axial collisions. The obtained steric effect was discussed with the aid of the spatial distribution of CO(a 3Π1) molecular orbitals, and we find that specific rotational motion of CO(a 3Π1) in each state may not be a dominant factor in this energy-transfer collision. © 2013 American Chemical Society.

Tsai, P-Y, Che D-C, Nakamura M, Lin K-C, Kasai T.  2011.  Orientation dependence for Br formation in the reaction of oriented OH radical with HBr molecule. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 13:1419-1423., Number 4 AbstractWebsite

The orientation dependence of Br-atom formation in the reaction of the oriented OH radical with the HBr molecule using the hexapole electrostatic field was studied. Experimental results for the orientation dependence in the reaction were analyzed using a Legendre polynomial fit. The results show two reactive sites. It was found that O-end attack is most favored for this reaction, and that H-end attack also shows a pronounced reactivity. The reactivity of the side-ways attack was found to be small. By comparing the results of the orientation dependence in the reaction with studies of inelastic collisions and theoretical calculations, two reaction pathways are proposed. Reaction by O-end attack is followed by a direct abstraction of the H-atom from the HBr molecule. The mechanism for H-end attack may have H-atom migration from HBr to form the water molecule. © 2011 the Owner Societies.

Veerakumar, P, Jeyapragasam T, Surabhi S, Salamalai K, Maiyalagan T, Lin K-C.  2019.  Functionalized Mesoporous Carbon Nanostructures for Efficient Removal of Eriochrome Black-T from Aqueous Solution. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. 64(4):1305-1321. AbstractWebsite

Acid-functionalized mesoporous carbons (AF-MPCs) have been synthesized and used as adsorbents for removal of an azo dye, Eriochrome Black-T (EBT), from aqueous solution. To generate acid surface functionalities, mesoporous carbons (MPCs) were treated with sulfuric acid. Characterization of the samples was analyzed by XRD, Raman spectra, N 2 adsorption-desorption, FE-TEM, TGA, and FT-IR studies. The adsorption studies were carried out under various parameters, such as pH, adsorbent dosage, contact time, initial dye concentration solution temperature, and salt concentration. The results showed that the EBT adsorption onto samples was affected by the pH of solution; the maximum EBT ion adsorption took place at pH 1; and the adsorption uptake was increased with an increase in the initial dye concentration. Moreover, the mechanism of adsorption was investigated using kinetic, diffusion, and isotherm models. The best fit was obtained by the Langmuir model with high correlation coefficients (R 2 = 0.9463) with a maximum monolayer adsorption capacity of 117.0 mg·g -1 . The adsorbed anionic EBT dye molecules were eluted by ethanol solvent with the recovery percentage of 98%. Moreover, this study demonstrates that AF-MPCs can be successfully used as a low-cost adsorbent for the removal of EBT from aqueous solutions. © 2019 American Chemical Society.

Kasai, T, Che D-C, Tsai P-Y, Nakamura M, Muthiah B, Lin K-C.  2018.  Roaming and chaotic behaviors in collisional and photo-initiated molecular-beam reactions: a role of classical vs. quantum nonadiabatic dynamics. Rendiconti Lincei. 29:219-232., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

A new reaction scheme is proposed to account for roaming and chaotic behaviors in collisional and photo-initiated molecular-beam reactions, where nonadiabatic dynamics plays a key role and the collapse of superposition of wave functions is considered to be important in the beginning of the present scheme. Since the feature of molecular orbitals of reagents is crucial in reaction, we showed how to map out the spatial distribution of the relevant HOMO molecular orbitals of CH3Cl in the impact of fast electrons. We identified by experiment that the multiple overlap of nearby molecular orbitals affects even the vibrational motion of adjacent molecule DCl of the transient [ClDCl] chemical species. We also showed dynamical steric effects in the HBr + OH four-atom reaction as a manifestation of the nonadiabatic dynamics in complex systems. The roaming mechanism in the photo-initiated reaction of methyl formate is clarified in detail by experiment as well as the QCT trajectory calculation, where the conical intersection region plays an essential role. We suggest that two types of roaming trajectories coexist, i.e., deterministic and chaotic roaming trajectories based on classical trajectory calculations. To clarify the nonadiabatic dynamics in the roaming mechanism for non-collinear three-dimensional (3D) collisions, a new model of the 3D Polanyi rule is proposed as the extension of the well-established 2D Polanyi rule. In the 3D Polanyi rule, it is expected that the curvature and torsion of Frenet–Serret formulas in three-dimensional space would provide us key concepts in understanding reaction dynamics. © 2018, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.

Wu, PY, Huang HH, Lin KC, Tzeng WB.  2017.  Two-color resonant two-photon ionization and mass-analyzed threshold ionization spectroscopy of 4-chlorostyrene. Chemical Physics Letters. 682:34-37. AbstractWebsite

The first electronic excitation and adiabatic ionization energies of 35Cl and 37Cl 4-chlorostyrene were similar, with values of 33,977 ± 2 and 67,972 ± 5 cm−1, respectively. The general features in the obtained vibronic and cation spectra of the two isotopologues were similar. A frequency shift of 1–5 cm−1 was observed on many active vibrations of the 35Cl and 37Cl isotopologues of 4-chlorostyrene in the S1 and D0 states. This frequency difference at each mode may reflect the degree of Cl atom involvement in the overall vibration. © 2017 Elsevier B.V.

Tsai, P-Y, Lin K-C.  2015.  Insight into the photodissociation dynamical feature of conventional transition state and roaming pathways by an impulsive model. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 119:29-38., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

Without the need to construct complicated potential energy surfaces, a multicenter impulsive model is developed to characterize the dynamical feature of conventional transition state (TS) and roaming pathways in the photodissociation of formaldehyde, H2CO → CO + H2. The photofragment energy distributions (PED) resulting from the roaming mechanism are found to closely correlate to a particular configuration that lies close to the edge of the plateau-like intrinsic reaction coordinate, whereas such a PED is associated with the configuration at the saddle point when the conventional TS pathway is followed. The evaluated PED results are consistent with those by experimental findings and quasi-classical trajectory calculations. Following impulsive analysis, the roaming pathway can be viewed as a consequence of energy transfer events between several vibrational modes. For H2CO, the available energy initially accumulated at the C-H bond is transferred to other transitional mode(s) via stretching-bending coupling, and finally to the HH stretching. (Chemical Presented). © 2014 American Chemical Society.

Hu, E-L, Tsai P-Y, Fan H, Lin K-C.  2013.  Photodissociation of gaseous CH3COSH at 248 nm by time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy: Observation of three dissociation channels. Journal of Chemical Physics. 138, Number 1 AbstractWebsite

Upon one-photon excitation at 248 nm, gaseous CH3C(O)SH is dissociated following three pathways with the products of (1) OCS + CH 4, (2) CH3SH + CO, and (3) CH2CO + H 2S that are detected using time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy. The excited state 1(nO, π *CO) has a radiative lifetime of 249 ± 11 ns long enough to allow for Ar collisions that induce internal conversion and enhance the fragment yields. The rate constant of collision-induced internal conversion is estimated to be 1.1 × 10-10 cm3 molecule -1 s-1. Among the primary dissociation products, a fraction of the CH2CO moiety may undergo further decomposition to CH2 + CO, of which CH2 is confirmed by reaction with O2 producing CO2, CO, OH, and H2CO. Such a secondary decomposition was not observed previously in the Ar matrix-isolated experiments. The high-resolution spectra of CO are analyzed to determine the ro-vibrational energy deposition of 8.7 ± 0.7 kcal/mol, while the remaining primary products with smaller rotational constants are recognized but cannot be spectrally resolved. The CO fragment detected is mainly ascribed to the primary production. A prior distribution method is applied to predict the vibrational distribution of CO that is consistent with the experimental findings. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.

Tsai, M-T, Liu Y-T, Liu C-Y, Tsai P-Y, Lin K-C.  2010.  Photodissociation of gaseous propionyl chloride at 248 nm by time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Chemical Physics. 376:1-9., Number 1-3 AbstractWebsite

In one-photon dissociation of propionyl chloride at 248 nm, time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy is used to detect the fragments of HCl and CO in the presence of Ar. The inert gas Ar plays a role to enhance the internal conversion. The time-dependence of high-resolution HCl spectra yields a bimodal rotational distribution in the early stage. The total rotational and vibrational energy partitioned in HCl are evaluated to be 1.7 ± 0.3 and 8.8 ± 1.9 kcal/mol, respectively. The CO appearance indicates that HCl may be eliminated through a five-center mechanism accompanied with three-body dissociation of C2H2, HCl, and CO. A four-center mechanism forming HCl and CH3CHCO also contributes to the HCl fragment with a feature of rotational bimodality. However, the probability for the HCl contribution from the hot Cl reaction is negligible. The reaction with CH4 is carried out to evaluate the HCl and Cl elimination rate constants. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Nakamura, M, Yang S-J, Tsai P-Y, Kasai T, Lin K-C, Che D-C, Lombardi A, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2016.  Hexapole-Oriented Asymmetric-Top Molecules and Their Stereodirectional Photodissociation Dynamics. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 120:5389-5398., Number 27 AbstractWebsite

Molecular orientation is a fundamental requisite in the study of stereodirected dynamics of collisional and photoinitiated processes. In this past decade, variable hexapolar electric filters have been developed and employed for the rotational-state selection and the alignment of molecules of increasing complexity, for which the main difficulties are their mass, their low symmetry, and the very dense rotational manifold. In this work, for the first time, a complex molecule such as 2-bromobutane, an asymmetric top containing a heavy atom (the bromine), was successfully oriented by a weak homogeneous field placed downstream from the hexapolar filter. Efficiency of the orientation was characterized experimentally, by combining time-of-flight measurements and a slice-ion-imaging detection technique. The application is described to the photodissociation dynamics of the oriented 2-bromobutane, which was carried out at a laser wavelength of 234 nm, corresponding to the breaking of the C-Br bond. The Br photofragment is produced in both the ground Br (2P3/2) and the excited Br (2P1/2) electronic states, and both channels are studied by the slice imaging technique, revealing new features in the velocity and angular distributions with respect to previous investigations on nonoriented molecules. © 2016 American Chemical Society.

Kasai, T, Che D-C, Okada M, Tsai P-Y, Lin K-C, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2014.  Directions of chemical change: Experimental characterization of the stereodynamics of photodissociation and reactive processes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 16:9776-9790., Number 21 AbstractWebsite

This perspective article aims at accounting for the versatility of some current experimental investigations for exploring novel paths in chemical reactions. It updates a previous one [Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2005, 5, 291] and is limited to work by the authors. The use of advanced molecular beam techniques together with a combination of modern tools for specific preparation, selection and detection permits us to discover new trends in reactivity in the gas phase as well as at interfaces. We specifically discuss new facets of stereodynamics, namely the effects of molecular orientation and alignment on reactive and photodissociation processes. Further topics involve roaming paths and triple fragmentation in photodissociation probed by imaging techniques, chirality effects in collisions and deviations from Arrhenius behavior in the temperature dependence of chemical reactions. © the Partner Organisations 2014.

Tsai, P-Y, Lin K-C.  2012.  Rotational energy transfer of SH(X 2 Π, v′=0, J′=0.5-10.5) by collision with Ar: λ-doublet resolved transition propensity. ChemPhysChem. 13:274-280., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

The behavior of λ-doublet resolved rotational energy transfer (RET) by Ar collisions within the SH(X 2Π, v′=0) state is characterized. The matrix elements of terms in the interaction potential responsible for interference effects are calculated to explain the propensity rules for collision-induced transitions within and between spin-orbit manifolds. In this manner, the physical mechanisms responsible for the F 1-F 1, F 2-F 2, and F 1-F 2 transitions may be reasonably identified. As collision energy increases, the propensity for collisional population of the final e or f level is replaced by the e/f-conserving propensity. Such a change in propensity rule can be predicted in terms of energy sudden approximation at high J limit for the pure Hund's case scheme. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

Sangili, A, Veerakumar P, Chen S-M, Rajkumar C, Lin K-C.  2019.  Voltammetric determination of vitamin B2 by using a highly porous carbon electrode modified with palladium-copper nanoparticles. Microchimica Acta. 186(5):299. AbstractWebsite

Palladium-copper nanoparticles were placed on activated carbon to give a nanocomposite for electrochemical sensing of riboflavin (vitamin B 2 ). The activated carbon was produced by pyrolysis of natural waste of pistachio nutshells after KOH activation and under a nitrogen atmosphere. The carbons possess a large surface area and micro/meso-porosity. The nanocomposite was characterized by a variety of techniques to confirm structures and morphology. A screen-printed electrode modified with the composite was examined by EIS, CV, DPV, and amperometry. The effects of pH value, scan rate, and stability of the modified electrode were studied. Under optimized conditions, vitamin B 2 displays a well-expressed oxidation peak at −0.15 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) in solutions with a pH value of 7.0. The voltammetric signal increases linearly in the 0.02 to 9 μM concentrations range and a lower detection limit of 7.6 pM. The sensor was successfully applied to the determination of vitamin B 2 even in the presence of other common vitamins and in (spiked) raw milk samples. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]. © 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature.

Nakamura, M, Yang, S. J, Lin K-C, Kasai T, Che D-C, Lombardi A, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2017.  Stereodirectional images of molecules oriented by a variable-voltage hexapolar field: Fragmentation channels of 2-bromobutane electronically excited at two photolysis wavelengths. Journal of Chemical Physics. 147, Number 1 AbstractWebsite

The asymmetric-top molecule 2-bromobutane is oriented by means of a hexapole state selector; the angular distribution of the bromine atom photofragment, for the two fine-structure components, is acquired by velocity-map ion imaging. The molecular beam, spatially oriented along the time-of-flight axis, is intersected with a linearly polarized laser, whose polarization is tilted by 45° with respect to the detector surface. To obtain the mixing ratio of the perpendicular and parallel transitions, the fragment ion images and angular distributions can be appropriately simulated to give insight on the population mechanism of the specific electronic state involved at each selected excitation wavelength. The photofragment images obtained at 238.6 nm yielded an asymmetry factor β1 of 0.67, indicative of the extent of molecular orientation, and an anisotropy parameter β2 of 1.03, which is a signature of a prevailing parallel transition along the C-Br axis. When the photolysis wavelength is tuned to 254.1 nm, the corresponding angular distribution is less asymmetric (β1 = 0.24) and the obtained small value β2 = 0.12 is a characteristic of a predominantly perpendicular transition. The photofragment angular distributions are also affected by hexapole voltage, especially regarding the asymmetry factor, and this aspect provides information on the effect of molecular orientation. © 2017 Author(s).

Tsai, P-Y, Lin K-C.  2015.  Insight into photofragment vector correlation by a multi-center impulsive model. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17:19592-19601., Number 29 AbstractWebsite

A multi-center impulsive model has been recently developed to characterize the dynamic feature of product energy distribution in photodissociation of formaldehyde, H2CO → CO + H2. (J. Phys. Chem. A, 2015, 119, 29) The model is extended to predict the vector correlations among transition dipole moment μ of the parent molecule, recoil velocity v and rotational angular momentum j of the fragments produced via the transition state (TS) and roaming path. The correlation results of μ-j, j-j and μ-v vectors of the fragments are consistent with those reported using quasi-classical trajectory simulation on the global potential energy surface. In contrast to the TS route, the vector properties via the roaming path are loosely correlated. This work offers an alternative method to study stereodynamics of the photodissociation process, and is conducive to clarifying the origin of photofragment vector correlation especially for the roaming pathway. This journal is © the Owner Societies.