Coauthored Publications with: Chang

Journal Article

Fan, H, Tsai P-Y, Lin K-C, Lin C-W, Yan C-Y, Yang S-W, Chang AHH.  2012.  Molecular elimination of Br2 in photodissociation of CH 2BrC(O)Br at 248 nm using cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics. 137, Number 21 AbstractWebsite

The primary elimination channel of bromine molecule in one-photon dissociation of CH2BrC(O)Br at 248 nm is investigated using cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy. By means of spectral simulation, the ratio of nascent vibrational population in v 0, 1, and 2 levels is evaluated to be 1:(0.5 ± 0.1):(0.2 ± 0.1), corresponding to a Boltzmann vibrational temperature of 581 ± 45 K. The quantum yield of the ground state Br2 elimination reaction is determined to be 0.24 ± 0.08. With the aid of ab initio potential energy calculations, the obtained Br2 fragments are anticipated to dissociate on the electronic ground state, yielding vibrationally hot Br2 products. The temperature-dependence measurements support the proposed pathway via internal conversion. For comparison, the Br2 yields are obtained analogously from CH3CHBrC(O)Br and (CH3)2CBrC(O)Br to be 0.03 and 0.06, respectively. The trend of Br2 yields among the three compounds is consistent with the branching ratio evaluation by Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus method. However, the latter result for each molecule is smaller by an order of magnitude than the yield findings. A non-statistical pathway so-called roaming process might be an alternative to the Br2 production, and its contribution might account for the underestimate of the branching ratio calculations. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.

Lin, T-W, Dhenadhayalan N, Lee H-L, Lin Y-T, Lin K-C, Chang AHH.  2019.  Fluorescence turn-on chemosensors based on surface-functionalized MoS2 quantum dots. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. 281:659-669. AbstractWebsite

The multiple sensing capabilities of molybdenum disulfide quantum dots (MoS2 QDs) towards metal ions were scrutinized by tuning their surface functional groups. The MoS2 QDs surface was individually modified with thiol-containing capping agents to form carboxylic-, amine- and thiol-functionalized MoS2 QDs (MoS2/COOH, MoS2/NH2 and MoS2/SH) by the facile hydrothermal method. Each as-prepared QDs exhibits strong excitation wavelength dependent fluorescence behavior. The design of MoS2 QDs based metal ion sensor was implemented based on the fluorescence turn-on mechanism. These MoS2/COOH, MoS2/NH2 and MoS2/SH QDs sensors exhibit superior performance towards the highly selective detection of Co2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions, respectively, due to the varied association of each functional group towards metal ions. The resultant detection limit of Co2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+ was evaluated to be 54.5, 99.6 and 0.84 nM, respectively, and the related fluorescence turn-on mechanism is verified unambiguously. The binding energies were calculated for QDs with metal ions pairs and the results lent support to the determined sensitivity. The as-prepared QDs were also successfully demonstrated to detect the above metal ions in real water samples. While becoming potential candidates in the chemosensors based on the fluorescence probe, these surface modified MoS2 QDs can offer an excellent sensing capability for specific metal ions with extremely high selectivity.

Chang, Y-P, Tsai P-Y, Lee H-L, Lin K-C.  2013.  Interfacial electron transfer from CdSe/ZnS quantum dots to TiO2 nanoparticles: Linker dependence at single molecule level. Electroanalysis. 25:1064-1073., Number 4 AbstractWebsite

We utilize single molecule spectroscopy combined with time-correlated single-photon counting to probe electron transfer (ET) kinetics from CdSe/ZnS (core/shell) quantum dots (QDs) to TiO2 through various lengths of linker molecules. The QD-linker-TiO2 complexes with varied linker length, linker structure, and QD size are fabricated by a surface-based stepwise method to show control of the rate and of the magnitude of fluctuations of photo-induced ET at the single molecule level. The ET rate constants are determined to be 2.8×107, 1.9×107, and 3.5×106s-1 for the chain length of 1.5, 6.2 and 13.8Å, respectively. The electronic coupling strengths between QDs and TiO2 are further calculated to be 3.68, 3.60, and 1.59cm-1 for the three different chain lengths by using the Marcus ET model. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

Chen, S-Y, Tsai P-Y, Lin H-C, Wu C-C, Lin K-C, Sun BJ, Chang AHH.  2011.  I2 molecular elimination in single-photon dissociation of CH2I2 at 248 nm by using cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics. 134, Number 3 AbstractWebsite

Following single-photon dissociation of CH2I2 at 248 nm, I2 molecular elimination is detected by using cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy. The technique comprises two laser beams propagating in a perpendicular configuration, in which a tunable laser beam along the axis of the ring-down cell probes the I2 fragment in the B 3 ou + - X 1 g + transition. The nascent vibrational populations for v 0, 1, and 2 levels are obtained with a population ratio of 1:(0.65 0.10):(0.30 0.05), corresponding to a Boltzmann-like vibrational temperature of 544 73 K. The quantum yield of the ground state I2 elimination reaction is determined to be 0.0040 0.0025. With the aid of ab initio potential energy calculations, the pathway of molecular elimination is proposed on the energetic ground state CH2I2 via internal conversion, followed by asynchronous three-center dissociation. A positive temperature effect supports the proposed mechanism. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.

Chen, B-J, Tsai P-Y, Huang T-K, Xia Z-H, Lin K-C, Chiou C-J, Sun B-J, Chang AHH.  2015.  Characterization of molecular channel in photodissociation of SOCl2 at 248 nm: Cl2 probing by cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17:7838-7847., Number 12 AbstractWebsite

A primary elimination channel of the chlorine molecule in the one-photon dissociation of SOCl2 at 248 nm was investigated using cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy (CRDS). By means of spectral simulation, the ratio of the vibrational population in the v = 0, 1, and 2 levels was evaluated to be 1:(0.10 ± 0.02):(0.009 ± 0.005), corresponding to a Boltzmann vibrational temperature of 340 ± 30 K. The Cl2 molecular channel was obtained with a quantum yield of 0.4 ± 0.2 from the X1A′ ground state of SOCl2via internal conversion. The dissociation mechanism differs from a prior study where a smaller yield of <3% was obtained, initiated from the 21A′ excited state. Temperature-dependence measurements of the Cl2 fragment turn out to support our mechanism. With the aid of ab initio potential energy calculations, two dissociation routes to the molecular products were found, including one synchronous dissociation pathway via a three-center transition state (TS) and the other sequential dissociation pathway via a roaming-mediated isomerization TS. The latter mechanism with a lower energy barrier dominates the dissociation reaction. This journal is © the Owner Societies.

Wu, C-C, Lin H-C, Chang Y-B, Tsai P-Y, Yeh Y-Y, Fan H, Lin K-C, Francisco JS.  2011.  Br 2 molecular elimination in photolysis of (COBr) 2 at 248 nm by using cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy: A photodissociation channel being ignored. Journal of Chemical Physics. 135, Number 23 AbstractWebsite

A primary dissociation channel of Br 2 elimination is detected following a single-photon absorption of (COBr) 2 at 248 nm by using cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy. The technique contains two laser beams propagating in a perpendicular configuration. The tunable laser beam along the axis of the ring-down cell probes the Br 2 fragment in the B 3Π + ou-X 1Σ g + transition. The measurements of laser energy- and pressure-dependence and addition of a Br scavenger are further carried out to rule out the probability of Br 2 contribution from a secondary reaction. By means of spectral simulation, the ratio of nascent vibrational population for v = 0, 1, and 2 levels is evaluated to be 1:(0.65 ± 0.09):(0.34 ± 0.07), corresponding to a Boltzmann vibrational temperature of 893 ± 31 K. The quantum yield of the ground state Br 2 elimination reaction is determined to be 0.11 ± 0.06. With the aid of ab initio potential energy calculations, the pathway of molecular elimination is proposed on the energetic ground state (COBr) 2 via internal conversion. A four-center dissociation mechanism is followed synchronously or sequentially yielding three fragments of Br 2 + 2CO. The resulting Br 2 is anticipated to be vibrationally hot. The measurement of a positive temperature effect supports the proposed mechanism. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.

Nakamura, M, Chang H-P, Lin K-C, Kasai T, Che D-C, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2019.  Stereodynamic Imaging of Bromine Atomic Photofragments Eliminated from 1-Bromo-2-methylbutane Oriented via Hexapole State Selector. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 123(31):6799-6811. AbstractWebsite

Both single-laser and two-laser experiments were conducted to look into the ion-imaging of Br*(2P1/2) and Br(2P3/2) photofragmented from 1-bromo-2-methylbutane in the range 232-240 nm via a detection scheme of (2+1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization. The angular analysis of these photofragment distributions yields the anisotropy parameter β = 1.88 ± 0.06 for the Br∗ excited state which arises from a parallel transition, while β = 0.63 ± 0.09 for the Br ground state indicates the contribution from both a perpendicular transition and a non-adiabatic transition. When a hexapole coupled with an orienting field was implemented, the parent molecules are spatially oriented to yield an orientation efficiency |«cos θ »| of 0.15. Besides the χ angle between the recoil velocity v and the transition dipole moment μ, orienting molecules allows for the evaluation of the angle α between v and the permanent molecular dipole moment d. The angular analysis of Br∗ photofragment distribution yields χ = 11.5° and α in the range from 160° to 180° with weak dependency. In the two-laser experiments, the angular anisotropy of Br photofragment distribution was found to be smaller (0.38 ± 0.10) when the photolysis wavelength was red-shifted to 240 nm, suggesting the increasing contributions from perpendicular transitions. © 2019 American Chemical Society.

Huang, T-K, Chen B-J, Lin K-C, Lin L, Sun B-J, Chang AHH.  2017.  Cl2 Elimination in 248 nm Photolysis of (COCl)2 Probed with Cavity Ring-Down Absorption Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 121:2888-2895., Number 15 AbstractWebsite

Cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy (CRDS) is employed to investigate one-photon dissociation of (COCl)2 at 248 nm obtaining a primary Cl2 elimination channel. A ratio of vibrational population is estimated to be 1:(0.12 ± 0.03):(0.011 ± 0.003) for the v = 0, 1, and 2 levels. The quantum yield of Cl2 molecular channel is obtained to be 0.8 ± 0.4 initiated from the X̃ 1Ag ground state surface (COCl)2 via internal conversion. The obtained total quantum yield is attributed to both primary ((COCl)2 + hν → 2CO + Cl2) and secondary reactions (dominated by Cl + COCl → Cl2 + CO). The former is estimated to share a yield of >0.14, while the latter contributes up to 0.66. The photodissociation pathway to the molecular products is calculated to proceed via a four-center transition state (TS) from which Cl2 is eliminated synchronously. Installation of the mirrors with reflectivity of 99.995% in the CRDS apparatus prolongs the ring-down time to 70 μs, thus allowing for the contribution from 17% up to 66% of the total Cl2 yield from secondary reaction depending on the reaction temperature. Despite uncertainty in determining the product yield, the primary Cl2 dissociation channel eliminated from (COCl)2 is observed for the first time. © 2017 American Chemical Society.

Yeh, Y-Y, Chao M-H, Tsai P-Y, Chang Y-B, Tsai M-T, Lin K-C.  2012.  Gas-phase photodissociation of CH 3COCN at 308 nm by time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics. 136, Number 4 AbstractWebsite

By using time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy, the fragments of HCN(v 1, 2) and CO(v 1-3) are detected in one-photon dissociation of acetyl cyanide (CH 3COCN) at 308 nm. The S 1(A ″), 1(n O, π CO) state at 308 nm has a radiative lifetime of 0.46 ± 0.01 μs, long enough to allow for Ar collisions that induce internal conversion and enhance the fragment yields. The rate constant of Ar collision-induced internal conversion is estimated to be (1-7) × 10 -12 cm 3 molecule -1 s -1. The measurements of O 2 dependence exclude the production possibility of these fragments via intersystem crossing. The high-resolution spectra of HCN and CO are analyzed to determine the ro-vibrational energy deposition of 81 ± 7 and 32 ± 3 kJmol, respectively. With the aid of ab initio calculations, a two-body dissociation on the energetic ground state is favored leading to HCN CH 2CO, in which the CH 2CO moiety may further undergo secondary dissociation to release CO. The production of CO 2 in the reaction with O 2 confirms existence of CH 2 and a secondary reaction product of CO. The HNC fragment is identified but cannot be assigned, as restricted to a poor signal-to-noise ratio. Because of insufficient excitation energy at 308 nm, the CN and CH 3 fragments that dominate the dissociation products at 193 nm are not detected. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.

Liu, C-Y, Tsai M-T, Tsai P-Y, Liu Y-T, Chen SY, Chang AHH, Lin K-C.  2011.  Gas-phase photodissociation of CH3CHBrCOCl at 248 nm: Detection of molecular fragments by time-resolved FT-IR spectroscopy. ChemPhysChem. 12:206-216., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

By employing time-resolved Fourier transform infrared emission spectroscopy, the fragments HCl (v=1-3), HBr (v=1), and CO (v=1-3) are detected in one-photon dissociation of 2-bromopropionyl chloride (CH3CHBrCOCl) at 248 nm. Ar gas is added to induce internal conversion and to enhance the fragment yields. The time-resolved high-resolution spectra of HCl and CO were analyzed to determine the rovibrational energy deposition of 10.0A ±0.2 and 7.4A ±0.6 kcal mol-1, respectively, while the rotational energy in HBr is evaluated to be 0.9A ±0.1 kcal mol-1. The branching ratio of HCl(v>0)/HBr(v>0) is estimated to be 1:0.53. The bond selectivity of halide formation in the photolysis follows the same trend as the halogen atom elimination. The probability of HCl contribution from a hot Cl reaction with the precursor is negligible according to the measurements of HCl amount by adding an active reagent, Br2, in the system. The HCl elimination channel under Ar addition is verified to be slower by two orders of magnitude than the Cl elimination channel. With the aid of ab initio calculations, the observed fragments are dissociated from the hot ground state CH3CHBrCOCl. A two-body dissociation channel is favored leading to either HCl+CH3CBrCO or HBr+CH2CHCOCl, in which the CH 3CBrCO moiety may further undergo secondary dissociation to release CO. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

Dhenadhayalan, N, Lee H-L, Yadav K, Lin K-C, Lin Y-T, Chang AHH.  2016.  Silicon Quantum Dot-Based Fluorescence Turn-On Metal Ion Sensors in Live Cells. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 8:23953-23962., Number 36 AbstractWebsite

Multiple sensor systems are designed by varying aza-crown ether moiety in silicon quantum dots (SiQDs) for detecting individual Mg2+, Ca2+, and Mn2+ metal ions with significant selectivity and sensitivity. The detection limit of Mg2+, Ca2+, and Mn2+ can reach 1.81, 3.15, and 0.47 μM, respectively. Upon excitation of the SiQDs which are coordinated with aza-crown ethers, the photoinduced electron transfer (PET) takes place from aza-crown ether moiety to the valence band of SiQDs core such that the reduced probability of electron-hole recombination may diminish the subsequent fluorescence. The fluorescence suppression caused by such PET effect will be relieved after selective metal ion is added. The charge-electron binding force between the metal ion and aza-crown ether hinders the PET and thereby restores the fluorescence of SiQDs. The design of sensor system is based on the fluorescence "turn-on" of SiQDs while in search of the appropriate metal ion. For practical application, the sensing capabilities of metal ions in the live cells are performed and the confocal image results reveal their promising applicability as an effective and nontoxic metal ion sensor. © 2016 American Chemical Society.

Chang, C-L, Tsai P-Y, Chang Y-P, Lin K-C.  2012.  Interfacial electron transfer from CdSe/ZnS quantum dots to TiO 2 nanoparticles: Size dependence at the single-molecule level. ChemPhysChem. 13:2711-2720., Number 11 AbstractWebsite

Electron transfer (ET) kinetics of CdSe/ZnS core/shell quantum dots (QDs) on bare coverslips and a TiO 2 nanoparticle-coated thin film has been investigated at the single-molecule level. The QDs prepared have three different diameters of 3.6, 4.6, and 6.4 nm. The trajectories of fluorescence intensity are acquired with respect to the arrival time. The on-time events and subsequent fluorescence lifetimes are shorter with decreasing size. Given the lifetime measurements for QDs on glass and TiO 2, the rate constant of ET from QDs to TiO 2 may be determined to be 1.3×10 7, 6.0×10 6, and 4.7×10 6 s -1 for the increasing sizes of the QDs. The plot of on-time probability density versus arrival time is characterized by power-law statistics in the short time region and a bending tail in the long time region. Marcus's ET model is employed to satisfactorily fit the bending tail behavior and to further calculate the ET rate constants. The theoretical counterparts for the different sizes are 1.4×10 7, 6.4×10 6, and 1.9×10 6 s -1, showing good agreement with the experimental results. Going dotty: Electron transfer kinetics of CdSe/ZnS core/shell quantum dots (QDs) on bare coverslips and on TiO 2 nanoparticle coated thin films have been investigated at the single-molecule level. As the size of the QDs changes, the shift in the valence band (VB) energy is less significant than the shift in the conduction band (CB) energy. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

Liu, Y-T, Tsai M-T, Liu C-Y, Tsai P-Y, Lin K-C, Shih YH, Chang AHH.  2010.  Photodissociation of gaseous acetyl chloride at 248 nm by time-resolved fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy: The HCl, CO, and CH2 product channels. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 114:7275-7283., Number 27 AbstractWebsite

In one-photon dissociation of gaseous acetyl chloride at 248 nm, time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy is used to detect the fragments of HCl, CO, and CH2 in the presence of Ar or O 2. The high-resolution spectra of HCl and CO are analyzed to yield the corresponding internal energy deposition of 8.9 ± 1.1 and 6.2 ± 0.9 kcal/mol. The presence of the CH2 fragment is verified by detecting the CO2 product resulting from the reaction of CH 2 and the added O2. The probability of the HCl formation via a hot Cl reaction with the precursor is examined to be negligible by performing two experiments, the CH3COCl pressure dependence and the measurement of Br2 with Cl reaction. The HCl elimination channel under the Ar addition is verified to be slowed by 2 orders of magnitude, as compared to the Cl elimination channel. The observed fragments are proposed to dissociate on the hot ground electronic state via collision-induced internal conversion. A two-body dissociation channel is favored leading to HCl and CH2CO, followed by secondary dissociation. © 2010 American Chemical Society.