Coauthored Publications with: Kasai

Conference Paper

Lin, K-C, Nakamura M, Yang, S. J, Kasai T, Che D-C, Lombardi A, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2017.  Angular distribution of bromine atomic photofragment in oriented 2-bromobutane via hexapole state selector. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1906 Abstract

In this work, an asymmetric top molecule 2-bromobutane has been successfully oriented by using hexapole state selector combined with orientation field, followed by detection of the bromine atomic photofragment distribution in the photolysis. The photofragment is produced in both the ground Br (2P3/2) and the excited Br (2P1/2) electronic states and both channels are studied by the slice imaging technique, revealing new features in the stereodynamic vectorial properties with respect to previous investigations on non-oriented molecules. © 2017 Author(s).

Palazzetti, F, Lombardi A, Yang S-J, Nakamura M, Kasai T, Lin K-C, Che D-C, Tsai P-Y.  2016.  Stereodirectional photodynamics: Experimental and theoretical perspectives. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1790 Abstract

Hexapole oriented 2-bromobutane is photodissociated and detected by a slice-ion-imaging technique at 234 nm. The laser wavelength corresponds to the C - Br bond breaking with emission of a Br atom fragment in two accessible fine-structure states: the ground state Br (2P3/2) and the excited state Br (2P1/2), both observable separately by resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI). Orientation is evaluated by time-of-flight measurements combined with slice-ion-imaging. © 2016 Author(s).

Palazzetti, F, Lombardi A, Nakamura M, Yang S-J, Kasai T, Lin K-C, Tsai P-Y, Che D-C.  2016.  Rotational state-selection and alignment of chiral molecules by electrostatic hexapoles. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1790 Abstract

Electrostatic hexapoles are revealed as a powerful tool in the rotational state-selection and alignment of molecules to be utilized in beam experiments on collisional and photoinitiated processes. In the paper, we report results on the application of the hexapolar technique on the recently studied chiral molecules propylene oxide, 2-butanol and 2-bromobutane, to be investigated in selective photodissociation and enantiomeric discrimination. © 2016 Author(s).

Lin, K-C, Tsai P-Y, Chao M-H, Kasai T, Lombardi A, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2015.  Photodissociation of methyl formate: Conical intersections, roaming and triple fragmentation. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1702 Abstract

The photodissociation channels of methyl formate have been extensively investigated by two different advanced experimental techniques, ion imaging and Fourier-Transform-Infrared emission spectroscopy, combined with quantum chemical calculations and molecular dynamics simulations. Our aim is to characterize the role of alternative routes to the conventional transition-state mediated pathway: the roaming and the triple fragmentation processes. The photolysis experiments, carried out at a range of laser wavelengths in the vicinity of the triple fragmentation threshold, beside the simulation of large bunches of classical trajectories with different initial conditions, have shown that both mechanisms share a common path that involves a conical intersection during the relaxation process from the electronic excited state S1 to the ground state S0. © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.

Kasai, T, Muthiah B, Lin K-C.  2017.  Role of cooperative network interaction in transition region of roaming reactions: Non-equilibrium steady state vs. thermal equilibrium reaction scheme. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1906 Abstract

This paper proposes a new type of roaming mechanism. We find a signature of trajectory with chaotic behavior in the action-angle diagram of the H + H2 reaction on a LEP surface, namely the trajectory is found to be very sensitive to the initial angle variable which corresponds to the phase of the H2 vibration. The trajectory pattern switches from the direct to the complex forming mechanism, and vice versa, in the angle range (0 ∼ π). In the complex forming angle range, trajectories switch from reactive to non-reactive randomly and suddenly, as the result, we cannot predict the collision pattern from the initial conditions. Therefore, we may classify such trajectory as a new type of roaming with chaotic behavior, and it is different from the ordinary trajectory with deterministic behavior. This chaotic behavior could be due cooperative nearby network interaction (CNN effect). We also suggest that the KPP (Kolmogorow-Petrovsky-Piskounov) equation is useful to estimate the density gradient of the activated reagents, so that one can evaluate the branching ratio to various exit channels, such as triple fragmentation, tight transition state, or the roaming channel with the aid of the present classical trajectory calculation. © 2017 Author(s).

Kasai, T, Che D-C, Tsai P-Y, Lin K-C, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2015.  Stereodynamics: From elementary processes to macroscopic chemical reactions. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1702 Abstract

This paper aims at discussing new facets on stereodynamical behaviors in chemical reactions, i.e. the effects of molecular orientation and alignment on reactive processes. Further topics on macroscopic processes involving deviations from Arrhenius behavior in the temperature dependence of chemical reactions and chirality effects in collisions are also discussed. © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.

Journal Article

Kasai, T, Che D-C, Okada M, Tsai P-Y, Lin K-C, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2014.  Directions of chemical change: Experimental characterization of the stereodynamics of photodissociation and reactive processes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 16:9776-9790., Number 21 AbstractWebsite

This perspective article aims at accounting for the versatility of some current experimental investigations for exploring novel paths in chemical reactions. It updates a previous one [Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2005, 5, 291] and is limited to work by the authors. The use of advanced molecular beam techniques together with a combination of modern tools for specific preparation, selection and detection permits us to discover new trends in reactivity in the gas phase as well as at interfaces. We specifically discuss new facets of stereodynamics, namely the effects of molecular orientation and alignment on reactive and photodissociation processes. Further topics involve roaming paths and triple fragmentation in photodissociation probed by imaging techniques, chirality effects in collisions and deviations from Arrhenius behavior in the temperature dependence of chemical reactions. © the Partner Organisations 2014.

Kasai, T, Che D-C, Tsaia P-Y, Lina K-C.  2012.  Reaction dynamics with molecular beams and oriented molecular beams: A tool for looking closer to chemical reactions and photodissociations. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society. 59:567-582., Number 5 AbstractWebsite

Experimental studies on reaction dynamics by use of molecular beams and oriented molecular beams are reviewed in order for looking closer to chemical reactions as well as photodissociations at the molecular level. We discuss about versatility and usefulness of the electrostatic hexapole sate-selector as a non-destructive selector for molecular structure analysis. Some experimental evidences on novel reaction dynamics in photodissociation and stereodynamics are presented followed by concluding remarks and future perspectives for controlling chemical reactions from the point of view of green chemistry, by manipulating molecular orientation without any catalyst nor by applying any external forces like intense electromagnetic field. © 2012 The Chemical Society Located in Taipei & Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

Nakamura, M, Yang S-J, Tsai P-Y, Kasai T, Lin K-C, Che D-C, Lombardi A, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2016.  Hexapole-Oriented Asymmetric-Top Molecules and Their Stereodirectional Photodissociation Dynamics. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 120:5389-5398., Number 27 AbstractWebsite

Molecular orientation is a fundamental requisite in the study of stereodirected dynamics of collisional and photoinitiated processes. In this past decade, variable hexapolar electric filters have been developed and employed for the rotational-state selection and the alignment of molecules of increasing complexity, for which the main difficulties are their mass, their low symmetry, and the very dense rotational manifold. In this work, for the first time, a complex molecule such as 2-bromobutane, an asymmetric top containing a heavy atom (the bromine), was successfully oriented by a weak homogeneous field placed downstream from the hexapolar filter. Efficiency of the orientation was characterized experimentally, by combining time-of-flight measurements and a slice-ion-imaging detection technique. The application is described to the photodissociation dynamics of the oriented 2-bromobutane, which was carried out at a laser wavelength of 234 nm, corresponding to the breaking of the C-Br bond. The Br photofragment is produced in both the ground Br (2P3/2) and the excited Br (2P1/2) electronic states, and both channels are studied by the slice imaging technique, revealing new features in the velocity and angular distributions with respect to previous investigations on nonoriented molecules. © 2016 American Chemical Society.

Li, H-K, Tsai P-Y, Hung K-C, Kasai T, Lin K-C.  2015.  Communication: Photodissociation of CH3CHO at 308 nm: Observation of H-roaming, CH3-roaming, and transition state pathways together along the ground state surface. Journal of Chemical Physics. 142, Number 4 AbstractWebsite

Following photodissociation of acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) at 308 nm, the CO(v = 1-4) fragment is acquired using time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy. The CO(v = 1) rotational distribution shows a bimodal feature; the low- and high-J components result from H-roaming around CH3CO core and CH3-roaming around CHO radical, respectively, in consistency with a recent assignment by Kable and co-workers (Lee et al., Chem. Sci. 5, 4633 (2014)). The H-roaming pathway disappears at the CO(v 2) states, because of insufficient available energy following bond-breaking of H + CH3CO. By analyzing the CH4 emission spectrum, we obtained a bimodal vibrational distribution; the low-energy component is ascribed to the transition state (TS) pathway, consistent with prediction by quasiclassical trajectory calculations, while the high-energy component results from H- and CH3-roamings. A branching fraction of H-roaming/CH3-roaming/TS contribution is evaluated to be (8% ± 3%)/(68% ± 10%)/(25% ± 5%), in which the TS pathway was observed for the first time. The three pathways proceed concomitantly along the electronic ground state surface. © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.

Lin, K-C, Tsai P-Y, Chao M-H, Nakamura M, Kasai T, Lombardi A, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2018.  Roaming signature in photodissociation of carbonyl compounds. International Reviews in Physical Chemistry. 37:217-258., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

An alternative to the transition state (TS) pathway, the roaming route, which bypasses the minimum energy path but produces the same molecular products, was recently found in photodissociation dynamics. This account describes signatures of roaming in photodissociation of the carbonyl compounds, specifically methyl formate and aliphatic aldehydes. Methyl formate was promoted to the excited state, followed by internal conversion via a conical intersection. Then, the energetic precursor dissociated to fragments which proceeded along either TS or roaming path. In contrast to the lack of a roaming saddle point found in methyl formate, the structure of the roaming saddle point for each of a series of aliphatic aldehydes comprises two moieties that are weakly bound at a distance. As its size increases, the energy difference between the TS barrier and the roaming saddle point increases and the roaming pathway becomes increasingly dominant. Experimentally, the rotational-level dependence of the roaming route was measured with ion imaging, while the vibrational-state dependence was observed with time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy. The roaming signature was verified theoretically by quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) calculations. As an alternative to the QCT method, a multi-center impulsive model was developed to simulate the roaming scalar and vector properties. © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

Hsu, M-Y, Tsai P-Y, Wei Z-R, Chao M-H, Zhang B, Kasai T, Lin K-C.  2013.  Competitive bond rupture in the photodissociation of bromoacetyl chloride and 2- and 3-bromopropionyl chloride: Adiabatic versus diabatic dissociation. ChemPhysChem. 14:936-945., Number 5 AbstractWebsite

Competitive bond dissociation mechanisms for bromoacetyl chloride and 2- and 3-bromopropionyl chloride following the 1[n(O) →π*(Cï£O)] transition at 234-235 nm are investigated. Branching ratios for C-Br/C-Cl bond fission are found by using the (2+1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) technique coupled with velocity ion imaging. The fragment branching ratios depend mainly on the dissociation pathways and the distances between the orbitals of Br and the Cï£O chromophore. C-Cl bond fission is anticipated to follow an adiabatic potential surface for a strong diabatic coupling between the n(O)π*(Cï£O) and np(Cl)σ*(C-Cl) bands. In contrast, C-Br bond fission is subject to much weaker coupling between n(O)π*(Cï£O) and np(Br)σ*(C-Br). Thus, a diabatic pathway is preferred for bromoacetyl chloride and 2-bromopropionyl chloride, which leads to excited-state products. For 3-bromopropionyl chloride, the available energy is not high enough to reach the excited-state products such that C-Br bond fission must proceed through an adiabatic pathway with severe suppression by nonadiabatic coupling. The fragment translational energies and anisotropy parameters for the three molecules are also analyzed and appropriately interpreted. Busted open: Insight into the mechanisms causing C-Cl and C-Br bond fission of bromoacetyl chloride and 2- and 3-bromopropionyl chloride by following the 1[n(O) →π*(Cï£O)] transition is obtained. The figure shows the center-of-mass translational energy distributions of ground-state Br formation through a diabatic pathway for the dissociation of 2-bromopropionyl chloride. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

Muthiah, B, Paredes-Roibás D, Kasai T, Lin K-C.  2019.  Photodissociation of CH2BrI using cavity ring-down spectroscopy: in search of a BrI elimination channel. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 21(26):13943-13949. AbstractWebsite

Photodissociation of CH2BrI was investigated in search of unimolecular elimination of BrI via a primary channel using cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy (CRDS) at 248 nm. The BrI spectra were acquired involving the first three ground vibrational levels corresponding to A3Π1 ← X1Σ+ transition. With the aid of spectral simulation, the BrI rotational lines were assigned. The nascent vibrational populations for v′′ = 0, 1, and 2 levels are obtained with a population ratio of 1:(0.58 ± 0.10):(0.34 ± 0.05), corresponding to a Boltzmann-like vibrational temperature of 713 ± 49 K. The quantum yield of the ground state BrI elimination reaction is determined to be 0.044 ± 0.014. The CCSD(T)//B3LYP/MIDI! method was employed to explore the potential energy surface for the unimolecular elimination of BrI from CH2BrI.

Nakamura, M, Chang H-P, Lin K-C, Kasai T, Che D-C, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2019.  Stereodynamic Imaging of Bromine Atomic Photofragments Eliminated from 1-Bromo-2-methylbutane Oriented via Hexapole State Selector. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 123(31):6799-6811. AbstractWebsite

Both single-laser and two-laser experiments were conducted to look into the ion-imaging of Br*(2P1/2) and Br(2P3/2) photofragmented from 1-bromo-2-methylbutane in the range 232-240 nm via a detection scheme of (2+1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization. The angular analysis of these photofragment distributions yields the anisotropy parameter β = 1.88 ± 0.06 for the Br∗ excited state which arises from a parallel transition, while β = 0.63 ± 0.09 for the Br ground state indicates the contribution from both a perpendicular transition and a non-adiabatic transition. When a hexapole coupled with an orienting field was implemented, the parent molecules are spatially oriented to yield an orientation efficiency |«cos θ »| of 0.15. Besides the χ angle between the recoil velocity v and the transition dipole moment μ, orienting molecules allows for the evaluation of the angle α between v and the permanent molecular dipole moment d. The angular analysis of Br∗ photofragment distribution yields χ = 11.5° and α in the range from 160° to 180° with weak dependency. In the two-laser experiments, the angular anisotropy of Br photofragment distribution was found to be smaller (0.38 ± 0.10) when the photolysis wavelength was red-shifted to 240 nm, suggesting the increasing contributions from perpendicular transitions. © 2019 American Chemical Society.

Nakamura, M, Tsai P-Y, Kasai T, Lin K-C, Palazzetti F, Lombardi A, Aquilanti V.  2015.  Dynamical, spectroscopic and computational imaging of bond breaking in photodissociation: Roaming and role of conical intersections. Faraday Discussions. 177:77-98. AbstractWebsite

Recent experimental and theoretical advances in the study of the dissociation of excited molecules are revealing unexpected mechanisms, when their outcomes are tackled by combining (i) space-time ion imaging of translational features, with (ii) spectroscopic probing of rotational and vibrational distributions; crucial is the assistance of (iii) the quantum chemistry of structural investigations of rearrangements of chemical bonds, and of (iv) the simulations of molecular dynamics to follow the evolution of selective bond stretching and breaking. Here we present results of such an integrated approach to methyl formate, HCOOCH3, the simplest of esters; the main focus is on the rotovibrationally excited CO (v = 1) product and in general on the energy distribution in the fragments. Previous laser studies of dissociation into CO and CH3OH at a sequence of various wavelengths discovered signatures of a roaming mechanism by the late arrival of CO (v = 0) products in time-of-flight ion imaging. Subsequent detailed investigations as a function of excitation energy provided the assessment of the threshold, which opens for triple breakdown into CO and further fragments H and CH3O, as spectroscopically characterized by ion imaging and FTIR respectively. Accompanying quantum mechanical electronic structure calculations and classical molecular dynamics simulations clarify the origin of these fragments through "roaming" pathways involving incipient radical intermediates at energies below the triple fragmentation threshold: a specific role is played by nonadiabatic transitions at a conical intersection between ground and excited states; alternative pathways focalize our attention to regions of the potential energy surfaces other than those in the neighbourhoods of saddle points along minimum energy paths: eventually this leads us to look for avenues in reaction kinetics beyond those of venerable transition state theories. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry.

Kasai, T, Che D-C, Tsai P-Y, Nakamura M, Muthiah B, Lin K-C.  2018.  Roaming and chaotic behaviors in collisional and photo-initiated molecular-beam reactions: a role of classical vs. quantum nonadiabatic dynamics. Rendiconti Lincei. 29:219-232., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

A new reaction scheme is proposed to account for roaming and chaotic behaviors in collisional and photo-initiated molecular-beam reactions, where nonadiabatic dynamics plays a key role and the collapse of superposition of wave functions is considered to be important in the beginning of the present scheme. Since the feature of molecular orbitals of reagents is crucial in reaction, we showed how to map out the spatial distribution of the relevant HOMO molecular orbitals of CH3Cl in the impact of fast electrons. We identified by experiment that the multiple overlap of nearby molecular orbitals affects even the vibrational motion of adjacent molecule DCl of the transient [ClDCl] chemical species. We also showed dynamical steric effects in the HBr + OH four-atom reaction as a manifestation of the nonadiabatic dynamics in complex systems. The roaming mechanism in the photo-initiated reaction of methyl formate is clarified in detail by experiment as well as the QCT trajectory calculation, where the conical intersection region plays an essential role. We suggest that two types of roaming trajectories coexist, i.e., deterministic and chaotic roaming trajectories based on classical trajectory calculations. To clarify the nonadiabatic dynamics in the roaming mechanism for non-collinear three-dimensional (3D) collisions, a new model of the 3D Polanyi rule is proposed as the extension of the well-established 2D Polanyi rule. In the 3D Polanyi rule, it is expected that the curvature and torsion of Frenet–Serret formulas in three-dimensional space would provide us key concepts in understanding reaction dynamics. © 2018, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.

Nakamura, M, Che D-C, Tsai P-Y, Lin K-C, Kasai T.  2013.  Alignment selection of the metastable CO(a 3π1) molecule and the steric effect in the aligned CO(a 3π1) + NO collision. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 117:8157-8162., Number 34 AbstractWebsite

The aligned metastable CO(a 3π1) molecular beam was generated by an electronic excitation through the Cameron band (CO a 3Π1 ← X 1Σ+) transition. Beam characterization of the aligned molecular beam of CO(a 3Π1) was carried out by (1 + 1) REMPI detection via the b 3Σ+ state. The REMPI signals showed the clear dependence on the polarization of the pump laser, and the experimental result was well reproduced by the theoretical simulation. This agreement confirms that aligned metastable CO(a 3Π1) can be generated and controlled by rotating polarization of the pump laser. By using this technique, a single quantum state of CO(a 3Π1) can be selected as a metastable molecular beam. The steric effect in the energy-transfer collision of CO(a 3Π1) with NO forming the excited NO was carried out with this aligned CO(a 3Π1) molecular beam. We find that the sideways orientation of CO(a 3Π1) is more favorable in the formation of the excited NO(A 2Σ+, B 2Π) than that for the axial collisions. The obtained steric effect was discussed with the aid of the spatial distribution of CO(a 3Π1) molecular orbitals, and we find that specific rotational motion of CO(a 3Π1) in each state may not be a dominant factor in this energy-transfer collision. © 2013 American Chemical Society.

Nakamura, M, Palazzetti F, Tsai P-Y, Lin K-C, Kasai T, Che D-C, Lombardi A, Aquilanti V.  2019.  Vectorial imaging of the photodissociation of 2-bromobutane oriented: Via hexapolar state selection. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 21(26):14164-14172. AbstractWebsite

Molecular orientation techniques are becoming available in the study of elementary chemical processes, in order to highlight those structural and dynamical properties that would be concealed by random rotational motions. Recently successful orientation was achieved for asymmetric-top and chiral molecules of much larger complexity than hitherto. In this work, we report and discuss the correlation between the vectors' photofragment recoil velocity v, transition dipole moment μ, and permanent dipole moment d in a dissociation experiment on hexapole oriented 2-bromobutane, photoinitiated by a linearly polarized laser. The sliced ion images of the Br∗(2P1/2) and Br(2P3/2) photofragments were acquired at 234.0 and 254.1 nm, respectively, by a (2 + 1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization technique. A detailed analysis of the sliced ion images obtained at a tilting angle 45° of laser polarization provides information on the correlation of the three vectors, which are confined by two polar angles α and χ and one azimuthal angle φμd in the recoil frame. The sliced ion images of Br fragments eliminated individually from the enantiomers at 254.1 nm yield an asymmetric factor close to zero; for this reason the photofragment angular distributions do not show significant differences. The elimination of the Br∗ fragment at 234.0 nm is mainly correlated with a parallel transition, giving rise to a large anisotropy parameter of 1.85, and thus can be considered as a single state excitation. The resulting recoil frame angles are optimized to 163° ± 8° and 164° ± 1° for α and χ, respectively, whereas φμd is approaching 0° for the best fit. Since for the present molecule, the three vectors have an only slight spatial arrangement, the photofragment angular distributions of the two enantiomers do not show appreciable differences. Theoretical and computational simulations provide us the basis to state that oriented enantiomers can be discriminated on-the-fly in photodissociation processes even initiated by non-circularly polarized light, provided that the three vectors encountered above have specific three-dimensional arrangements. The fact that Br fragment elimination involves a multi-potential dissociation carries uncertainties in theoretical estimates of the vector direction. Therefore, this work represents a preliminary but significant step on the road to chiral discrimination on-the-fly, which is shown to be best propitiated in molecules where vectors are far from having degenerate mutual angular directions. © 2019 the Owner Societies.

Tsai, P-Y, Li H-K, Kasai T, Lin K-C.  2015.  Roaming as the dominant mechanism for molecular products in the photodissociation of large aliphatic aldehydes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17:23112-23120., Number 35 AbstractWebsite

Photodissociation of isobutyraldehyde (C3H7CHO) at 248 nm is investigated using time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy to demonstrate the growing importance of the roaming pathway with increasing molecular size of aliphatic aldehydes. Each acquired CO rotational distribution from v = 1 to 4 is well characterized by a single Boltzmann rotational temperature from 637 to 750 K, corresponding to an average rotational energy of 5.9 ± 0.6 kJ mol-1. The roaming signature that shows a small fraction of CO rotational energy disposal accompanied by a vibrationally hot C3H8 co-fragment is supported by theoretical prediction. The energy difference between the tight transition state (TS) and the roaming saddle point (SP) is found to be -27, 4, 15, 22, and 30 kJ mol-1 for formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, isobutyraldehyde, and 2,2-dimethyl propanal, respectively. The roaming SP is stabilized by a larger alkyl moiety. It is suggested that the roaming photodissociation rate of aldehydes increasingly exceeds those via the tight TS, resulting in the dominance of the CO + alkane products, as the size of aldehydes becomes larger. Along with formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and propionaldehyde, in this work isobutyraldehyde is further demonstrated that this aldehyde family with special functional group is the first case in the organic compound to follow predominantly a roaming dissociation pathway, as the molecular size becomes larger. © the Owner Societies 2015.

Paredes-Roibás, D, Balaganesh M, Kasai T, Gavira-Vallejo JM, Lin KC.  2018.  Cavity Ring-Down Absorption Spectroscopy: Optical Characterization of ICl Product in Photodissociation of CH2ICl at 248 nm. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 122:8344-8353., Number 42 AbstractWebsite

Iodine monochloride (ICl) elimination from one-photon dissociation of CH2ICl at 248 nm is monitored by cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy (CRDS). The spectrum of ICl is acquired in the transition of B3 0X1 + and is confirmed to result from a primary photodissociation, that is, CH2ICl + h→CH2 + ICl. The vibrational population ratio is determined with the aid of spectral simulation to be 1:(0.36 ± 0.10):(0.11 ± 0.05) for the vibrational levels = 0, 1, and 2 in the ground electronic state, corresponding to a Boltzmann-like vibrational temperature of 535 ± 69 K. The quantum yield of the ICl molecular channel for the reaction is obtained to be 0.052 ± 0.026 using a relative method in which the scheme CH2Br2 →CH2 + Br2 is adopted as the reference reaction. The ICl product contributed by the secondary collisions is minimized such that its quantum yield obtained is not overestimated. With the aid of the CCSD(T)//B3LYP/MIDI! level of theory, the ICl elimination from CH2ICl is evaluated to follow three pathways via either (1) a three-center transition state or (2) two isomerization transition states. However, the three-center concerted mechanism is verified to be unfavorable. © 2018 American Chemical Society.

Palazzetti, F, Tsai P-Y, Lombardi A, Nakamura M, Che D-C, Kasai T, Lin K-C, Aquilanti V.  2013.  Aligned molecules: Chirality discrimination in photodissociation and in molecular dynamics. Rendiconti Lincei. 24:299-308., Number 3 AbstractWebsite

Emergence of biochemical homochirality is an intriguing topic, and none of the proposed scenarios has encountered a unanimous consensus. Candidates for naturally occurring processes, which may originate chiral selection, involve interaction of matter with light and molecular collisions. We performed and report here: (1) simulations of photodissociation of an oriented chiral molecule by linearly polarized (achiral) light observing that the angular distribution of the photofragments is characteristic of each enantiomer and both differ from the racemic mixture; and (2) molecular dynamics simulations (elastic collisions of oriented hydrogen peroxide, one of the most simple chiral molecules, with Ne atom) demonstrating that the scattering and the recoil angles are specific of the enantiomeric form. The efficacy of non-chiral light (in the case of photodissociation) and of non-chiral projectile (in the case of collisions) is due to the molecular orientation, as an essential requirement to observe chiral effects. The results of the simulations, that we report in this article, provide the background for the perspective realization of experiments which go beyond the well-documented ones involving interaction of circularly polarized laser (chiral light) with the matter, specifically by making use of non-chiral, i.e. linearly polarized or unpolarized light sources, and also by obtaining chiral effects with no use at all of light, but simply inducing them by molecular collisions. The case of vortices is discussed in a companion paper. © 2013 Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.

Kasai, T, Lin K-C.  2017.  Coordinate Analysis for Interpreting the Decoherence in the Coherent NO with Ar Collision: A Physico-mathematical Picture Using the Stereographic Projection and the Cusp Catastrophe. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society. 64:25-35., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

We present here a physico-mathematical picture for explaining the unexpectedly large decoherence cross-section (almost 10 times larger than its gas-kinematic cross-section) recently observed by Ureña and coworkers in their scattering experiment involving a coherent NO beam with Ar gas. The present topological picture consists of a stereographic projection and the cusp catastrophe theory of Thom, and we find that this model enables us to clarify the origin of the collisional decoherence. From the view of the stereographic projection, we can naturally introduce the wave property originating from the singular point at the “North pole” on the circumference S1 coordinate corresponding to a critical point for the collisional decoherence (condition 1). This picture also predicts the sudden changes of wave-phase collapse due to network interaction in the many-body system (condition 2). Thus it is hoped that the model proposed by Ureña et al. based on the dipole-induced dipole interaction in the NO + Ar system could be modified through this picture by including interactions with many Ar atoms in the environment. One way to fill the gap between the single-pair interaction picture and the multiple interaction one would be to employ theoretical calculations by use of the density matrix theory with and without adding the second Ar atom to the NO–Ar system. The cusp catastrophe theory reinforces the necessity of some cooperative network interaction between the coherent NO molecule and many neighboring Ar atoms and provides a qualitative scenario in which the whole system leads to a sudden change of the collisional decoherence of NO as a function of the control parameters (a, b). At this stage, the present physico-mathematical picture cannot give any specific values of the decoherence distance by the theory itself, but it clearly provides us a new topological concept for clarifying the origin of collisional decoherence which is strongly connected with the complexity of the system. Thus it gives us a global guide map toward further clarification of the collisional decoherence phenomenon with the aid of more sophisticated quantum mechanical calculations in the future. © 2016 The Chemical Society Located in Taipei & Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Tsai, P-Y, Che D-C, Nakamura M, Lin K-C, Kasai T.  2010.  Orientation dependence in the four-atom reaction of OH + HBr using the single-state oriented OH radical beam. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 12:2532-2534., Number 11 AbstractWebsite

The orientation dependence for the Br atom formation in the reaction of the oriented OH radicals with HBr molecules at 0.26 eV collision energy has been observed for the first time using the hexapole electric field, and we found that the reaction cross-section for O-end attack is more favorable than that for H-end attack by a factor of 3.4 ± 2.3. © the Owner Societies.

Tsai, P-Y, Chao M-H, Kasai T, Lin K-C, Lombardi A, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2014.  Roads leading to roam. Role of triple fragmentation and of conical intersections in photochemical reactions: Experiments and theory on methyl formate. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 16:2854-2865., Number 7 AbstractWebsite

The exploration of alternative roads that open to molecules with sufficient energy to yield different products permits prediction and eventually control of the outcomes of chemical reactions. Advanced imaging techniques for monitoring laser-induced photodissociation are here combined with dynamical simulations, involving ample sets of classical trajectories generated on a quantum chemical potential energy surface. Methyl formate, HCOOCH3, is photodissociated at energies near the triple fragmentation threshold into H, CO and OCH3. Images of velocity and rotational distributions of CO exhibit signatures of alternative routes, such as those recently designated as transition-state vs. roaming-mediated. Furthermore, a demonstration of the triple fragmentation route is given, and also confirmed by H-atom product imaging and FTIR time-resolved spectra of the intermediate HCO radical. In addition, the relevance of nonadiabatic transitions promoted by a conical intersection is clarified by simulations as the privileged "reactivity funnel" of organic photochemistry, whereby the outcomes of molecular photoexcitation are delivered to electronic ground states. This journal is © the Owner Societies 2014.

Nakamura, M, Yang, S. J, Lin K-C, Kasai T, Che D-C, Lombardi A, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2017.  Stereodirectional images of molecules oriented by a variable-voltage hexapolar field: Fragmentation channels of 2-bromobutane electronically excited at two photolysis wavelengths. Journal of Chemical Physics. 147, Number 1 AbstractWebsite

The asymmetric-top molecule 2-bromobutane is oriented by means of a hexapole state selector; the angular distribution of the bromine atom photofragment, for the two fine-structure components, is acquired by velocity-map ion imaging. The molecular beam, spatially oriented along the time-of-flight axis, is intersected with a linearly polarized laser, whose polarization is tilted by 45° with respect to the detector surface. To obtain the mixing ratio of the perpendicular and parallel transitions, the fragment ion images and angular distributions can be appropriately simulated to give insight on the population mechanism of the specific electronic state involved at each selected excitation wavelength. The photofragment images obtained at 238.6 nm yielded an asymmetry factor β1 of 0.67, indicative of the extent of molecular orientation, and an anisotropy parameter β2 of 1.03, which is a signature of a prevailing parallel transition along the C-Br axis. When the photolysis wavelength is tuned to 254.1 nm, the corresponding angular distribution is less asymmetric (β1 = 0.24) and the obtained small value β2 = 0.12 is a characteristic of a predominantly perpendicular transition. The photofragment angular distributions are also affected by hexapole voltage, especially regarding the asymmetry factor, and this aspect provides information on the effect of molecular orientation. © 2017 Author(s).