Roaming signature in photodissociation of carbonyl compounds

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Lin, K-C, Tsai P-Y, Chao M-H, Nakamura M, Kasai T, Lombardi A, Palazzetti F, Aquilanti V.  2018.  Roaming signature in photodissociation of carbonyl compounds. International Reviews in Physical Chemistry. 37:217-258., Number 2


An alternative to the transition state (TS) pathway, the roaming route, which bypasses the minimum energy path but produces the same molecular products, was recently found in photodissociation dynamics. This account describes signatures of roaming in photodissociation of the carbonyl compounds, specifically methyl formate and aliphatic aldehydes. Methyl formate was promoted to the excited state, followed by internal conversion via a conical intersection. Then, the energetic precursor dissociated to fragments which proceeded along either TS or roaming path. In contrast to the lack of a roaming saddle point found in methyl formate, the structure of the roaming saddle point for each of a series of aliphatic aldehydes comprises two moieties that are weakly bound at a distance. As its size increases, the energy difference between the TS barrier and the roaming saddle point increases and the roaming pathway becomes increasingly dominant. Experimentally, the rotational-level dependence of the roaming route was measured with ion imaging, while the vibrational-state dependence was observed with time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy. The roaming signature was verified theoretically by quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) calculations. As an alternative to the QCT method, a multi-center impulsive model was developed to simulate the roaming scalar and vector properties. © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.


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