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Wu, JS, Chen YF, Dhara S, Wu CT, Chen KH, Chen* LC.  2003.  Interface energy of Au7Si grown in the interfacial layer of truncated hexagonal dipyramidal Au nanoislands on polycrystalline-silicon. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 82:4468-4470.
Chien, SC, Chattopadhyay* S, Chen LC, Lin ST, Chen KH.  2003.  Mechanical properties of amorphous boron carbon nitride films produced by dual gun sputtering. Diamond Relat. Mater. . 12:1463-1471.
Kan, MC, Huang* JL, Sung JC, Chen KH, Lii DF.  2003.  Nano-tip emission of tetrahedral amorphous carbon. Diamond & Related Materials. 12:1691-1697.
Dhara*, S, Kesavamoorthy R, Magudapathy P, Premila M, Panigrahi BK, Nair KGM, Wu CT, Chen KH, Chen LC.  2003.  Quasiquenching size effects in gold nanoclusters embedded in silica matrix. Chem. Phys. Lett.. 370:254-260.
Lo, HC, Das D, Hwang JS, Chen KH, Hsu CH, Chen CF, Chen LC.  2003.  SiC-capped nanotip arrays for field emission with ultralow turn-on field. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 83:1420-1422.
M.C. Kan, Huang* JL, Sung JC, Chen KH, Yau BS.  2003.  Thermionic emission of amorphous diamond and field emission of carbon nanotube. Carbon. 41:2839-2845.
Huang*, BR, Chen LC, Chen KH.  2002.  The analysis on the surface properties of the annealed-diamond membrane. Mater. Sci. and Engineer.. B 95:111-115.
Chen*, LC, Wen CY, Liang CH, Hong WK, Chen KJ, Cheng HC, Shen CS, Wu CT, Chen KH.  2002.  Controlling steps during early stages of the aligned growth of carbon nanotubes using microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Adv. Fun. Mate. 12:687-692.
Das*, D, Jana M, Barua AK, Chattopadhyay S, Chen LC, Chen KH.  2002.  Electrical, thermal and structural properties of microcrystalline Si thin films. Jpn.Appl. Phys. Lett.. 41:L229-232.
Chiou, JW, Yueh CL, Jan JC, Tsai HM, Pong* WF, Hong IH, Klauser R, Tsai MH, Chang YK, Chen YY, Wu CT, Chen KH, Wei SL, Wen CY, Chen LC, Chuang TJ.  2002.  Electronic structure at the carbon nanotube tips studied by X-ray-absorption spectroscopy and scanning photoelectron microscopy. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 81:4189-4191.
Lin, HY, Chen YC, Lin CY, Tong YP, Hwa LG, Chen KH, Chen* LC.  2002.  Field emission of nanostructured amorphous SiCN films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering of SiC in CH4/N2atmosphere. Thin Solid Films. 416:85-91.
Wu, JS, Dhara SK, Wu CT, Chen KH, Chen YF, Chen* LC.  2002.  Growth and optical properties of self-organized Au2Si nanosphere peapoded in silicon oxide nanowires. Adv. Mater.. 14:1847-1850.
Yang, FH, Hwang JS, Yang* YJ, Chen KH, Wang JH.  2002.  Growth of high-quality epitaxial InN film with high-speed reactant gas by OMVPE. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.. 41:L1321-1324.
Wu, JJ, Liu SC, Wu CT, Chen* KH, Chen LC.  2002.  Heterostructures of ZnO-Zn coaxial nanocables and ZnO nanotubes. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 81:1312-1314.
Yang, FH, Yang* YJ, Hwang JH, Chen KH, Li TH, Hwa LG, Chen LC.  2002.  High growth rate deposition of oriented InN films. Thin Solid Films. 405:194-197.
K. J. Chen, Hong WK, Lin CP, Chen KH, Chen* LC, Cheng HC.  2002.  Improvement of field emission characteristics of carbon nanotubes by eximer laser treatment. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.. 41:6132-6136.
Lin, PH, Lin CR, Chen LC, Chen* KH.  2002.  Low temperature growth of aligned carbon nanotubes in large area. Int. J. of Modern Phys.. B16:853-859.
Chattopadhyay, S, Chen* LC, Chien SC, Lin ST, Wu CT, Chen KH.  2002.  Phase and thickness dependence of thermal diffusivity in SiCxNy and BCxNy,. Thin Solid Films. 420:205-211.
Liang, CH, Chen* LC, Hwang JS, Chen KH, Hung YT, Chen YF.  2002.  Selective-area growth of InN nanowires on gold-patterned Si(100) substrates. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 81:22-24.
Das*, D, Chen KH, Chattopadhyay S, Chen LC.  2002.  Spectroscopic studies of nitrogenated amorphous carbon films prepared by ion beam sputtering. J. Appl. Phys.. 91:4944-4955.
Chattopadhyay*, S, Chien SC, Chen LC, Chen KH, Lehmann G, Hess P.  2002.  Thermal diffusivity in diamond, SiCxNy and BCxNy. Diamond Relat. Mater. 11:708-713.
Lo, HC, Wu JJ, Wen CY, Wong TS, Lin ST, Chen* KH, Chen LC.  2001.  Bonding characterization and nano-indentation study of the amorphous SiCxNy films with and without hydrogen incorporation. Diamond Relat. Mater.. 10:1916-1920.
Chen*, KH, Wong TS, Wang CT, Chen LC, Ma KJ.  2001.  Carbon nanotubes growth by rapid thermal processing. Diamond and Related Materials. 10:1810-1813.
Chen*, LC, Chang SW, Chang CS, Wen CY, Wu J-J, Chen YF, Huang YS, Chen KH.  2001.  Catalyst-free growth of transparent SiCN nanorods. J. Phys. & Chem. of Solids. 62:1567-1576.