Coauthored Publications with: Sun

Journal Article

Huang, T-K, Chen B-J, Lin K-C, Lin L, Sun B-J, Chang AHH.  2017.  Cl2 Elimination in 248 nm Photolysis of (COCl)2 Probed with Cavity Ring-Down Absorption Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 121:2888-2895., Number 15 AbstractWebsite

Cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy (CRDS) is employed to investigate one-photon dissociation of (COCl)2 at 248 nm obtaining a primary Cl2 elimination channel. A ratio of vibrational population is estimated to be 1:(0.12 ± 0.03):(0.011 ± 0.003) for the v = 0, 1, and 2 levels. The quantum yield of Cl2 molecular channel is obtained to be 0.8 ± 0.4 initiated from the X̃ 1Ag ground state surface (COCl)2 via internal conversion. The obtained total quantum yield is attributed to both primary ((COCl)2 + hν → 2CO + Cl2) and secondary reactions (dominated by Cl + COCl → Cl2 + CO). The former is estimated to share a yield of >0.14, while the latter contributes up to 0.66. The photodissociation pathway to the molecular products is calculated to proceed via a four-center transition state (TS) from which Cl2 is eliminated synchronously. Installation of the mirrors with reflectivity of 99.995% in the CRDS apparatus prolongs the ring-down time to 70 μs, thus allowing for the contribution from 17% up to 66% of the total Cl2 yield from secondary reaction depending on the reaction temperature. Despite uncertainty in determining the product yield, the primary Cl2 dissociation channel eliminated from (COCl)2 is observed for the first time. © 2017 American Chemical Society.

Chen, S-Y, Tsai P-Y, Lin H-C, Wu C-C, Lin K-C, Sun BJ, Chang AHH.  2011.  I2 molecular elimination in single-photon dissociation of CH2I2 at 248 nm by using cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics. 134, Number 3 AbstractWebsite

Following single-photon dissociation of CH2I2 at 248 nm, I2 molecular elimination is detected by using cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy. The technique comprises two laser beams propagating in a perpendicular configuration, in which a tunable laser beam along the axis of the ring-down cell probes the I2 fragment in the B 3 ou + - X 1 g + transition. The nascent vibrational populations for v 0, 1, and 2 levels are obtained with a population ratio of 1:(0.65 0.10):(0.30 0.05), corresponding to a Boltzmann-like vibrational temperature of 544 73 K. The quantum yield of the ground state I2 elimination reaction is determined to be 0.0040 0.0025. With the aid of ab initio potential energy calculations, the pathway of molecular elimination is proposed on the energetic ground state CH2I2 via internal conversion, followed by asynchronous three-center dissociation. A positive temperature effect supports the proposed mechanism. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.

Chen, B-J, Tsai P-Y, Huang T-K, Xia Z-H, Lin K-C, Chiou C-J, Sun B-J, Chang AHH.  2015.  Characterization of molecular channel in photodissociation of SOCl2 at 248 nm: Cl2 probing by cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17:7838-7847., Number 12 AbstractWebsite

A primary elimination channel of the chlorine molecule in the one-photon dissociation of SOCl2 at 248 nm was investigated using cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy (CRDS). By means of spectral simulation, the ratio of the vibrational population in the v = 0, 1, and 2 levels was evaluated to be 1:(0.10 ± 0.02):(0.009 ± 0.005), corresponding to a Boltzmann vibrational temperature of 340 ± 30 K. The Cl2 molecular channel was obtained with a quantum yield of 0.4 ± 0.2 from the X1A′ ground state of SOCl2via internal conversion. The dissociation mechanism differs from a prior study where a smaller yield of <3% was obtained, initiated from the 21A′ excited state. Temperature-dependence measurements of the Cl2 fragment turn out to support our mechanism. With the aid of ab initio potential energy calculations, two dissociation routes to the molecular products were found, including one synchronous dissociation pathway via a three-center transition state (TS) and the other sequential dissociation pathway via a roaming-mediated isomerization TS. The latter mechanism with a lower energy barrier dominates the dissociation reaction. This journal is © the Owner Societies.
