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Journal Article
Dhara*, S, Das CR, Hsu HC, Chen KH, Chen LC, Raj B, Bhaduri AK, Albert SK, Ray A.  2008.  Recrystallization of epitaxial GaN under indentation. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 92:143114.
Lim, W, Wright JS, Gila BP, Pearton SJ, Ren F, Lai WT, Chen LC, Hu MS, Chen KH.  2008.  Selective-hydrogen sensing at room temperature with Pt-coated InN nanobelts. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 93:202109-(1-3).
Lin, CH, Tseng SC, Liu YK, Tai Y, Chattopadhyay S, Lin CF, Lee JH, Hwang JS, Chen* LC, Chen WC, Chen* KH.  2008.  Suppressing series resistance in organic solar cells by oxygen plasma treatment. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 92:233302.
Sahoo, S, Hu MS, Hsu CW, Chen LC, Chen KH, Arora AK, Dhara S.  2008.  Surface optical Raman modes in InN nanostructures. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 93:233116-(1-3).
Wei, PC, Shih HC, Hsu CM, Lin FS, Chen KH, Chattopadhyay* S, Ganguly A, Hsu CW, Chen LC.  2008.  Thermal diffusivity study in supported epitaxial InN thin films by the Traveling-Wave technique. J. Appl. Phys.. 104:064920.
Fang*, WC, Leu MS, Chen KH, Chen LC.  2008.  Ultrafast charging-discharging capacitive property of RuO2nanoparticles on carbon nanotubes using nitrogen incorporation. J. Electrochem. Soc.. 155:K15-K18.
Fu, SP, Yu CJ, Chen TT, Hsu GM, Chen MJ, Chen* LC, Chen KH, Chen YF.  2007.  Anomalous optical properties of InN nanobelts: evidence of surface band bending and photoelastic effect. Adv. Mater.. 19:4524-4529.
Fang, WC, Huang JH, Sun CL, Chen* KH, Chyan OM, Wu CT, Chen CP, Chen LC.  2007.  Arrayed nanocomposites directly grown on Ti-buffered silicon substrate for miniaturized supercapacitor applications. Electrochem. Comm.. 9:239-244.
Ray, SC, Pao CW, Tsai HM, Chiou JW, Pong* WF, Chen CW, Tsai M-H, Papakonstantinou P, Chen LC, Chen KH.  2007.  A comparative study of the electronic structures of oxygen- and chlorinetreated nitrogenated carbon nanotubes by X-ray absorption and scanning photoelectron microscopy. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 91:202102.
Chang, CY, Pearton* SJ, Huang PJ, G.C. Chi H, Wang T, Chen JJ, Ren F, Chen KH, Chen LC.  2007.  Control of nucleation site density of GaN nanowires. Appl. Surf. Sci.. 253:3196-3200.
Fang*, WC, Leu MS, Chen KH, Chen LC, Huang JH.  2007.  Effect of structural morphology on electrochemical properties of carbon nanotubes directly grown on Ti foil. Electrochemical and Solid-State Lett.. 10:K60-K62.
Raym, SC, Pao CW, Tsai HM, Chiou JW, Pong* WF, Chen CW, Tsai MH, Papakonstantinou P, Chen LC, Chen KH, Graham WG.  2007.  Electronic structures and bonding properties of chlorine-treated nitrogenated carbon nanotubes: X-ray absorption and scanning photoelectron microscopy study. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 90:192107.
Chen, JT, Hsiao CL, Hsu HC, Wu CT, Yeh CL, Wei PC, Chen LC, Chen* KH.  2007.  Epitaxial growth of InN films by molecular-beam epitaxy using hydrazoic acid (HN3) as an efficient nitrogen source. J. Phys. Chem. A. 111:6755-6759.
Jana, D, Chen LC, Chen CW, Chattopadhyay S, Chen KH.  2007.  A first principles study of the optical properties of BxCy single wall nanotubes. Carbon. 45:1482-1491.
Sarma, LS, Chen CH, Kumar SMS, Wang GR, Yen SC, liu DG, Sheu HS, Yu KL, Tang MT, Lee JF, Bock C, Chen KH, Hwang* BJ.  2007.  Formation of Pt-Ru nanoparticles in ethylene glycol solution: an in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy study. Langmuir. 23:5802-5809.
Wang, CH, Du H-Y, Tsai YT, Chen CP, Huang CJ, Chen LC, Chen* KH, Shih HC.  2007.  High performance of low electrocatalysts loading on CNT directly grown on carbon for DMFC. J. Power Sources. 171:55-62.
Huang, YF, Chattopadhyay S, Jen YJ, Peng CY, Liu TA, Hsu YK, Pan CL, Lo HC, Hsu CH, Chang YH, Lee CS, Chen KH, Chen LC.  2007.  Improved broadband, and quasi-omnidirectional anti-reflection properties with biomimetic silicon nanostructures. Nature Nanotechnology. 2:770-774.
Fang, WC, Huang* JH, Chen LC, Chen KH, Su OYH.  2007.  Influence of catalyst oxidation on the growth of nitrogen-containing carbonnanotubes for energy generation and storage applications. Diamond Relat. Mater.. 16:1140-1143.
Hu, MS, Hsu GM, Chen* KH, Yu CJ, Hsu HC, Chen LC, Hwang JH, Hong LS, Chen YF.  2007.  Infrared lasing in InN nanobelts. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 90:123109.
Dhara*, S, Wu JJ, Mangama G, Bera S, Magudapathy P, Wu CT, Nair KGM, Kamaruddin M, Yu CC, Yang MH, Liu SC, Tyagi AK, Narashiman SV, Chen LC, Chen KH.  2007.  Long-range ferromagnetic ordering at room temperature in Co+ implanted TiO2 nanorods. Nanotechnology. 18:325705.
S. Dhara*, KH, Chandra S, Mangamma G, Kalavathi S, Shankar P, Nair KGM, Tyagi AK, Hsu CW, Kuo CC, Chen LC, Chen KH, Sriram KK.  2007.  Multiphonon Raman scattering in GaN nanowires. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 90:213104.
Hu, ZG, Hess* P, Chen KH.  2007.  Optical properties of nanocrystalline diamond films from mid-infrared to ultraviolet using reflectometry and ellipsometry. J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron. 48:37-41.
Hsiao, CL, Hsu HC, Chen* LC, Wu CT, Chen CW, Chen M, Tu LW, Chen KH.  2007.  Photoluminescence spectroscopy of nearly defect-free InN microcrystals exhibiting nondegenerate semiconductor behaviors. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 91:181912.
Chang, YS, Chien CT, Chen* CW, Chu TY, Chiang HH, Ku CH, Wu JJ, Lin CS, Chen LC, Chen KH.  2007.  Structural and optical properties of single crystal Zn1-xMgxO nanorods-experimental and theoretical studies. J. Appl. Phys.. 101:033502.
Chen, RS, Chen HY, Lu CY, Chen CP, Chen LC, Yang YJ, Chen* KH.  2007.  Ultrahigh photocurrent gain in m-axial GaN nanowires. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 91:223106.