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Chang, ST, Wang CH, Du HY, Hsu HC, Kang CM, Chen CC, Wu CS, Yen SC, Huang WF, Chen LC, Lin MC, Chen KH.  2012.  Vitalizing fuel cells with a vitamin: pyrolyzed vitamin B12 as non-precious catalyst for enhanced oxygen reduction reaction. Energy & Environ. Sci.. 5:5305-5314.
Hsu, CW, A.Ganguly, Chen CP, Kuo CC, Paskov PP, Holtz PO, Chen KH, Chen LC.  2011.  Optical properties of functionalized GaN nanowires. J. Appl. Phys.. 109:053523.
Hwang, JS, Kao MC, Shiu JM, Fan CN, Ye SC, Yu WS, Lin TY, Chattopadhyay S, Chen LC, Chen KH.  2011.  Photocurrent mapping in high efficiency radial p-n junction silicon nanowire solar cells using atomic force microscopy. J. Phys. Chem. C. 115:21981-21986.
Amloy, S, Chen YT, Karlsson KF, Chen KH, Hsu HC, Hsiao CL, C.Chen L, Holtz* PO.  2011.  Polarization resolved fine structure splitting of zero-dimensional InGaN excitons. Phys. Rev. B. 83:201307.
Hu, MS, Kuo CC, Wu CT, Chen CW, Ang PK, Loh KP, Chen KH, Chen LC.  2011.  The production of SiC nanowalls sheathed with a few layers of strained graphene and their use in heterogeneous catalysis and sensing applications. Carbon. 49:4911-4919.
Kataria, S, Liu TW, Hsiao CL, Dhara S, Chen LC, Chen KH, Dash S, Tyagi AK.  2010.  Growth orientation dependent hardness for epitaxial wurtzite InN films. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.. 10:5170-5174.
Huang, HM, Chen RS, Chen HY, Liu TW, Kuo CC, Chen CP, Hsu HC, Chen LC, Chen* KH, Yang YJ.  2010.  Photoconductivity in single AlN nanowires by sub-bandgap excitation. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 96:062104.
and J. S. Hwang*, Chen KY, Syu WS, Chen SW, Kuo CW, Syu WY, Lin TY, Chiang HP, Chattopadhyay S, Chen KH, Chen LC.  2010.  Preparation of silver nano-particle decorated silica nanowires on quartz as reusable versatile nano-structured surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates. Nanotechnology. 21:025502.
Ganguly, A, Chen CP, Lai YT, Kuo CC, Hsu CW, Chen* KH, Chen* LC.  2009.  Functionalized GaN nanowires-based electrode for direct label-free voltammetric detection of DNA hybridization. J. Mater. Chem.. 19:928–933.
Su, YW, Aravind K, Wu CS, Kuo W, Chen KH, Chen LC, Chang-Liao KS, Su WF, Chen CD.  2009.  Magnetoresistance fluctuations in a weak disorder indium nitride nanowire. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.. 42:185009.
Huang, PJ, Chen CW, Chen JY, Chi GC, Pan* CJ, Kuo CC, Chen LC, Hsu CW, Chen KH, Hung SC, Chan CY, Pearton SJ, Ren F.  2009.  Optical and Structural Properties of Mg-ion Implanted GaN Nanowires. Vacuum. 83:797.
Berzina, B, Trinkler L, Jakimovica D, Korsaks V, Grabis J, Steins I, Palcevskis, Bellucci S, Chen LC, Chattopadhyay S t, Chen KH.  2009.  Spectral characterization of bulk and nanostructuredaluminum nitride. J. Nanophotonics. 3:031950.
Chen, TT, Hsieh YP, Wei CM, Chen* YF, Chen LC, Chen KH, Peng YH, Kuan CH.  2008.  Electroluminescence enhancement of SiGe/Si multiple quantum wells through nanowall structures. Nanotechnology. 19:365705.
Sarma, LS, Chen CH, Kumar SMS, Wang GR, Yen SC, liu DG, Sheu HS, Yu KL, Tang MT, Lee JF, Bock C, Chen KH, Hwang* BJ.  2007.  Formation of Pt-Ru nanoparticles in ethylene glycol solution: an in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy study. Langmuir. 23:5802-5809.
Dhara*, S, Wu JJ, Mangama G, Bera S, Magudapathy P, Wu CT, Nair KGM, Kamaruddin M, Yu CC, Yang MH, Liu SC, Tyagi AK, Narashiman SV, Chen LC, Chen KH.  2007.  Long-range ferromagnetic ordering at room temperature in Co+ implanted TiO2 nanorods. Nanotechnology. 18:325705.
S. Dhara*, KH, Chandra S, Mangamma G, Kalavathi S, Shankar P, Nair KGM, Tyagi AK, Hsu CW, Kuo CC, Chen LC, Chen KH, Sriram KK.  2007.  Multiphonon Raman scattering in GaN nanowires. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 90:213104.
Chang, YS, Chien CT, Chen* CW, Chu TY, Chiang HH, Ku CH, Wu JJ, Lin CS, Chen LC, Chen KH.  2007.  Structural and optical properties of single crystal Zn1-xMgxO nanorods-experimental and theoretical studies. J. Appl. Phys.. 101:033502.
Dhara*, S, Sundaravel B, Nair KGM, Kesavamoorthy R, Valsakumar MC, Rao CTV, Chen LC, Chen KH.  2006.  Ferromagnetism in cobalt doped n-GaN. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 88:173110-(1-3).
Shi, SC, Chen CF, Chattopadhyay S, Dhara SK, Chen KH, Ke BK, Chen* LC, Trinkler L, Berzina B.  2006.  Luminescence properties of wurtzite AlN nanotips. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 89:163127-(1-3).
E. N. Konyushenko, Stejskal* J, Trchova M, Hradi J, Kovarova J, Prokes J, Cieslar M, Hwang JY, Chen KH, Sapurina I.  2006.  Multi-wall carbon nanotubes coated with polyaniline. Polymer. 47:5715-5723.
Dhara, SK, Magudapathy P, Kesavamoorthy R, Kalavathi S, Nair KGM, Hsu GM, Chen LC, Chen* KH, Santhakumar K, Soga T.  2006.  Nitrogen ion beam synthesis of InN in InP(100) at elevated temperature. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 88:241904-(1-3).
Kuo, CK, Hsu CW, Wu CT, Lan ZH, Mou CY, Chen CC, Yang YJ, Chen LC, Chen* KH.  2006.  Self-regulating and diameter-selective growth of GaN nanowires. Nanotechnology. 17:S332-337.
and T. N. Arunagiri, Zhang Y, Chyan* O, El-Bounani M, Kim MJ, Wu CT, Chen LC, Chen KH.  2005.  A 5 nm ruthenium thin film as a directly plate-able copper diffusion barrier. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 86:083104-(1-3).
Wu*, JJ, Ku CH, Wong TC, Wu CT, Chen KH, Chen LC.  2005.  Growth of nanocrystalline diamond films in CCl4/H2ambient. Thin Solid Films. 473:24-30.