We studied total energies of various ordered structures of PdHx (in which hydrogen occupies the octahedral sites within the fee Pd lattice) using the pseudopotential method and a plane-wave basis within the local-density-functional approximation. The structures considered include the (420)-plane ordering of hydrogen atoms at different concentrations. For x greater than or equal to 1/2 we found that the NiMo- and Ni4Mo (D1(a))-type structures at x=1/2 and x=4/5, respectively, were energetically favored phases, in agreement with the superlattice reflections found in previous neutron-scattering measurements. For the intermediate concentrations, linear variation of the formation energy as a function of x in several (420)-ordered structures explained the observed short-range order. In contrast to an earlier proposal, we did not find the Fermi surface imaging effect responsible in this case. The overall energy variation in different phases indicates the importance of going beyond pairwise interactions between interstitial hydrogen atoms in this system.
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