We present a first-principles investigation to study the possible alloy phases of sodium and lithium alanates. Structural and energetics properties of alloy systems Na(1-x)Li(x)AlH(4) and Na(3(1-x))Li(3x)AlH(6) are studied via phase interpolation. Alloy system Na(1-x)Li(x)AlH(4) is found to have a small mixing energy (<5 kj/mol). The equilibrium structure undergoes a transition from a tetragonal structure to a monoclinic structure between x = 0.25 and 0.5. Within each structure the cell volume decreases with increasing x, which can be explained by Li having a smaller ion size than Na. Alloy system Na(3(1-x))Li(3x)AlH(6) is also studied, and one intermediate composition Na(2)LiAlH(6) is found to be stable in agreement with experimental findings. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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