A high-storage efficiency and long-lived quantum memory for photons is an essential component in long-distance quantum communication and optical quantum computation. Here, we report a 78% storage efficiency of light pulses in a cold atomic medium based on the effect of electromagnetically induced transparency. At 50% storage efficiency, we obtain a fractional delay of 74, which is the best up-to-date record. The classical fidelity of the recalled pulse is better than 90% and nearly independent of the storage time, as confirmed by the direct measurement of phase evolution of the output light pulse with a beat-note interferometer. Such excellent phase coherence between the stored and recalled light pulses suggests that the current result may be readily applied to single photon wave packets. Our work significantly advances the technology of electromagnetically induced transparency-based optical memory and may find practical applications in long-distance quantum communication and optical quantum computation. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.083601
ISI Document Delivery No.: 092SF Times Cited: 0 Cited Reference Count: 33 Chen, Yi-Hsin Lee, Meng-Jung Wang, I-Chung Du, Shengwang Chen, Yong-Fan Chen, Ying-Cheng Yu, Ite A. National Science Council of Taiwan [100-2628-M-007-001, 101-2923-M-007-002]; National Tsing Hua University [101N2713E1]; Hong Kong Research Grants Council [600710]; EU [PIRSES-GA-2009-247475] This work was supported by the National Science Council of Taiwan under Grants No. 100-2628-M-007-001 and No. 101-2923-M-007-002 and by National Tsing Hua University under Grant No. 101N2713E1. S. D. was supported by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (Project No. 600710). The Hsinchu team is the partner in EU FP7 IRSES project COLIMA (Contract No. PIRSES-GA-2009-247475). The authors thank Professor P. K. Lam for valuable comments on the manuscript. 0 Amer physical soc College pk