Open Positions

Our group executes experiments in quantum optics, including several research topics, such as Cooperative Radiation Phenomena (superradiance or subraddiance), Single-Photon-Level Nonlinear Optics, Quantum memory, and Quantum Simulator (Quantum Computer). Our group target retains an international top level in a highly competitive field. Accordingly, we have a steady demand for new students and researchers join the teams at all levels of expertise. We encourage applicants with any field of physics background to apply.

We are inviting applications for our projects in any time, even though no specific open position is announced. We all welcome Postdocs, PhD positions, Bachelor's and Master's thesis projects, International internship and research assistants to apply. The Applications can be sent at all time, and should be sent to About the applications, please include curriculum vitae, list of publications, motivation letter, and transcripts of grades.

If you are an international student, there are two of the International Internship program supported by Academia Sinica could be for your reference, Please follow, website :