On the road towards a Continuous Atom Laser - a steady-state ultracold Sr with unity phase-space density



On the road towards a Continuous Atom Laser - a steady-state ultracold Sr with unity phase-space density


Dr. Chun-Chia Chen (University of Amsterdam) 


12:00 p.m., 26th Mar 2018


CT Chang Memorial Hall  張昭鼎記念講堂 


Dr. Ming-Shien Chang(IAMS)




We demonstrate a way to make a steady state sample of ultracold strontium with a phase-space density approaching degeneracy. This long-standing goal within atomic physics represents a critical step towards demonstrating steady-state quantum gas devices such as atom lasers, interferometers and superradiant lasers which hitherto have only been possible in pulsed operation. Our machine tackles this goal by simultaneously cooling atoms in spatially separated regions on both the broad 30-MHz and narrow 7.4-kHz linewidth Sr transitions. In this way, we are able to continuously load a dipole trap at high phase space density in which a stark shift protected dimple trap collects and concentrates the coldest atoms. We measure a steady-state atomic cloud with a phase-space density above unity.


In this seminar, I will describe the concept and the result of the experiment, and discuss the prospects towards steady-state atom laser, and some other possible direction of the project.