The recent achievements in “high-precision measurement” and the impact on atomic physics

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The recent achievements in “high-precision measurement” and the impact on atomic physics


Prof. Wang-Yau Cheng (National Central University)


12:00 p.m., 18th Apr, 2016


CT ChangMemorial Hall張昭鼎記念講堂


Dr. Ying-Cheng Chen(IAMS)



Optical frequency standards based on Rubidium and Cesium atom two-photon transitions are long recognizedas reliable secondary optical clocks. We found that the cesium atom from Max Planck Institute, T. Hansch’sgroup, has slightly different spectral features from that in Taiwan, which surprised and puzzled scientists (see: Spotlight on Optics by Optical Society of America Recently, we had observed some strong evidences that might reveal the truthfor what happened to cesium atom. We will present our experimental data in this talk. Moreover, we have recently developed a convenient approach of optical offset locking, by which we applied the technique to two free-running semiconductor lasers that resulted insub-mini Hz(<0.001 Hz)beatnotelinewidth over 35-MHz offset frequency, which might be used for comb laser applications as well as some quantum-interference experiments like electromagnetic induced transparency.