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臺菲(PH)雙邊協議型擴充加值(add-on) 國際合作研究計畫-利用多維金屬氧化物的氣體感應器偵測揮發性有機物質在呼吸系統的應用(1/2)

Project Title:臺菲(PH)雙邊協議型擴充加值(add-on) 國際合作研究計畫-利用多維金屬氧化物的氣體感應器偵測揮發性有機物質在呼吸系統的應用(1/2)
Funding Organization: Ministry of Science and Technology
Project Number: 108-2923-M-002-003-
Start & Expected Completion date: 2019/10/01-2020/09/30

Respiration rate is a valuable indicator of the current condition of the respiratory system which can predict the presence of infections or serious complications. The traditional measurement of respiration rate involves manual observation of the rate of breathing using stethoscope which is limited by inter-observer reliability and method of accuracy. Other most commonly used methods of monitoring the respiration rate include electromyography from respiratory muscles, capnography, and pneumotachograph which requires additional invasive procedures. On the other hand, volatile organic compounds (VOC) which are present in exhaled human breath has been associated with some latent or active respiratory illnesses. For example, using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, reports have identified VOC present in the exhaled breath of patients with Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis that is not present in healthy people. Present diagnostics are expensive and complicated for use as a point-of-care- detection tool. The use of gas sensors, on the other hand, makes it simple, cheap, non-invasive with direct access to physiological and non-physiological parameters. This study proposes the use of metal oxide nanomaterials such as SnO2 and ZnO in the fabrication of a VOC gas sensor. Many studies have been made on metal oxide nanomaterials since it can form various structural geometries with an electronic structure that can exhibit metallic, semiconductor, or insulator characteristics. Metal oxides possess exceptional potential as base materials in emerging technologies
