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Hsu, CW, A.Ganguly, Chen CP, Kuo CC, Paskov PP, Holtz PO, Chen KH, Chen LC.  2011.  Optical properties of functionalized GaN nanowires. J. Appl. Phys.. 109:053523.
Huang, Y-F, Chattopadhyay* S, Hsu H-C, Wu C-T, Chen K-H, Chen L-C.  2011.  Origin and tuning of surface optic and long wavelength phonons in biomimetic GaAs nanotip arrays. Optical Materials Express. 1:535.
Wang, C-H, Chang S-T, Hsu H-C, Du H-Y, Wu JC-S, Chen L-C, Chen* K-H.  2011.  Oxygen reducing activity of methanol-tolerant catalysts by high-temperature pyrolysis. Diamond & Relat. Mater.. 20:322.
Pao, C-W, Wu C-T, Tsai H-M, Liu Y-S, Chang C-L, Pong WF, Chiou J-W, Chen C-W, Hu M-S, Chu M-W, Chen L-C, Chen C-H, Chen K-H, Wang S-B, Chang S-J, Tsai M-H, Lin H-J, Lee J-F, Guo J-H.  2011.  Photoconduction and the electronic structure of silica nanowires embedded with gold nanoparticles. Phys. Rev. B. 84:165412.
R. S. Chen*, Yang TH, Chen HY, Chen LC, Chen* KH, Yang YJ, Su CH, Lin CR.  2011.  Photoconduction mechanism of oxygen sensitization in InN nanowires. Nanotechnology. 22:425702.
Hwang, JS, Kao MC, Shiu JM, Fan CN, Ye SC, Yu WS, Lin TY, Chattopadhyay S, Chen LC, Chen KH.  2011.  Photocurrent mapping in high efficiency radial p-n junction silicon nanowire solar cells using atomic force microscopy. J. Phys. Chem. C. 115:21981-21986.
Amloy, S, Chen YT, Karlsson KF, Chen KH, Hsu HC, Hsiao CL, C.Chen L, Holtz* PO.  2011.  Polarization resolved fine structure splitting of zero-dimensional InGaN excitons. Phys. Rev. B. 83:201307.
Hu, MS, Kuo CC, Wu CT, Chen CW, Ang PK, Loh KP, Chen KH, Chen LC.  2011.  The production of SiC nanowalls sheathed with a few layers of strained graphene and their use in heterogeneous catalysis and sensing applications. Carbon. 49:4911-4919.
Chung, YL, Peng X, Liao YC, Yao S, Chen L-C, Chen K-H, Feng ZC.  2011.  Raman scattering and Rutherford backscattering studies on InN films grown byplasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Thin Solid Films. 519:6778.
Hsu, YK, Chen YC, Lin YG, Chen LC, Chen KH.  2011.  Reversible phase transformation of MnO2nanosheets in electrochemical capacitor investigated by in-situ Raman spectroscopy. Chem. Comm.. 47:1252-1254.
Li, CC, Chen YW, Lin RJ, Chang CC, Chen KH, H.P.Lin, Chen LC.  2011.  Self-reductive mesoporous CuOx/Fe/silicate nanocomposite as a highly active and stable catalyst for methanol reforming. Chem. Comm.. 47:9414-9416.
Chen, HY, Chen RS, Rajan NK, Chang FC, Chen LC, Chen KH, Yang YJ, Reed MA.  2011.  Size-dependent persistent photocurrent and surface band bending in m-axial GaN nanowires. Phys. Rev. B. 84:205443.
Lee, YY, Tu KH, Yu CC, Li SS, Hwang JY, Lin CC, Chen KH, Chen LC, Chen HL, Chen CW.  2011.  Top laminated graphene electrode in a semitransparent polymer solar cell by simultaneous thermal annealing/releasing method. ACS Nano. 5:6564-6570.
Lin, C-H, Yeh W-T, Sun C-L, Shen J-L, Lee J-H, Chen L-C, Wang J-K, Chen* K-H.  2011.  Tuning energy-level in magnesium modified Alq3. J. Appl. Phys.. 109:083541.
Chou, CT, Lin CH, Wu MH, Cheng TW, Lee JH, Liu CHJ, Tai Y, Chattopadhyay S, Wang JK, Chen KH, Chen LC.  2011.  Tuning open-circuit voltage in organic solar cells by magnesium modified Alq3. J. Appl. Phys.. 110:083104.
Junaid, M, Lundin D, Palisaitis J, Hsiao CL, Darakchieva V, Jensen J, Persson POA, Sandstrom P, Lai WJ, Chen LC, Chen KH, Helmersson U, Hultman L, Birch J.  2011.  Two-domain formation during the epitaxial growth of GaN (0001) on c-plane Al2O3 (0001) by high power impulse magnetron sputtering. J. Appl. Phys.. 110:123519.
Chen, CP, Ganguly A, Chen RS, Fischer W, Chen LC, Chen KH.  2011.  Ultra-sensitive in situ label-free DNA detection using GaN nanowires-based extended-gate field-effect-transistor sensor. Anal. Chem.. 83:1938-1943.
Wu, CT, Chen CW, Hu MS, Chen KH, Chen LC, Chu MW, Chen CH.  2010.  Anisotropic surface plasmon excitation in Au/silica nanowire. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 96:236106.
Chouhan, N, Yeh CL, Hu SF, Huang JH, Tsai CW, Liu RS, Chang WS, Chen KH.  2010.  Array of CdSe QD-sensitized ZnO nanorods serves as photoanode for water splitting. J. Electrochem. Soc.. 157:1430-1433.
Das, CR, Hsu HC, Dhara S, Bhaduri AK, Raj B, Chen LC, Chen KH, Albert SK, Ray A, Tzeng Y.  2010.  A complete Raman mapping of phase transitions in Si under indentation. J. Raman Spectroscopy. 41:334.
Dhara, S, Chang CW, Tsai HM, Chen* LC, Chen KH.  2010.  Direct observation of amophization in load rate dependent nanoindentation studies of crystalline Si. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 96:253113.
Lai, YT, Ganguly A, Chen CP, Chen KH, Chen* LC.  2010.  Direct voltammetric sensing of L-cysteine atpristine GaN nanowires electrode. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 26:1688-1691.
Huang, BR, Jou S, Wu YM, Chen KH, Chen LC.  2010.  Effect of XeF laser treatment on structure of nanocrystalline diamond films. Diamond & Relat. Mater.. 19:445.
Chang, CC, Lin CF, Chiou JM, Ho TH, Tai Y, Lee JH, Chen YF, Wang JK, Chen LC, Chen* KH.  2010.  Effects of cathode buffer layers on the efficiency of bulk-heterojunction solar cells. Appl. Phys. Lett.. 96:263506.