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Son, DN, Takahashi K.  2012.  Selectivity of Palladium-Cobalt Surface Alloy towards Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 116:6200-6207.
Smith, MC, Chao W, Takahashi K, Boering KA, Lin JJ-M.  2016.  Unimolecular Decomposition Rate of the Criegee Intermediate (CH3)2COO Measured Directly with UV Absorption Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 120:4789-4798.
Smith, MC, Chao W, Kumar M, Francisco JS, Takahashi K, Lin JJ-M.  2017.  Temperature-Dependent Rate Coefficients for the Reaction of CH2OO with Hydrogen Sulfide. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 121:938-945.
Sikam, P, Jitwatanasirikul T, Roongcharoen T, Yodsin N, Meeprasert J, Takahashi* K, Namuangruk* S.  2022.  Understanding the interaction between transition metal doping and ligand atoms of ZnS and ZnO monolayers to promote CO2 reduction reaction. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. . 24:12909-12921.