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Chao, W, Lin JJ-M, Takahashi K, Tomas A, Yu L, Kajii Y, Batut S, Schoemaecker C, Fittschen C.  2019.  Water Vapor Does Not Catalyze the Reaction between Methanol and OH Radicals. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 58:5013-5017.
Smith, MC, Chao W, Kumar M, Francisco JS, Takahashi K, Lin JJ-M.  2017.  Temperature-Dependent Rate Coefficients for the Reaction of CH2OO with Hydrogen Sulfide. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 121:938-945.
Matsuda, Y, Endo T, Mikami N, Fujii A, Morita M, Takahashi K.  2015.  The large variation in acidity of diethylether cation induced by internal rotation around a single covalent bond. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 119:4885-4890.