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Hammad Elsayed, M, Abdellah M, Alhakemy AZ, Mekhemer IMA, Aboubakr AEA, Chen B-H, Sabbah A, Lin K-H, Chiu W-S, Lin S-J, Chu C-Y, Lu C-H, Yang S-D, Mohamed MG, Kuo S-W, Hung C-H, Chen L-C, Chen K-H, Chou H-H.  2024.  Overcoming small-bandgap charge recombination in visible and NIR-light-driven hydrogen evolution by engineering the polymer photocatalyst structure, 2024. Nature Communications. 15(1):707. AbstractWebsite

Designing an organic polymer photocatalyst for efficient hydrogen evolution with visible and near-infrared (NIR) light activity is still a major challenge. Unlike the common behavior of gradually increasing the charge recombination while shrinking the bandgap, we present here a series of polymer nanoparticles (Pdots) based on ITIC and BTIC units with different π-linkers between the acceptor-donor-acceptor (A-D-A) repeated moieties of the polymer. These polymers act as an efficient single polymer photocatalyst for H2 evolution under both visible and NIR light, without combining or hybridizing with other materials. Importantly, the difluorothiophene (ThF) π-linker facilitates the charge transfer between acceptors of different repeated moieties (A-D-A-(π-Linker)-A-D-A), leading to the enhancement of charge separation between D and A. As a result, the PITIC-ThF Pdots exhibit superior hydrogen evolution rates of 279 µmol/h and 20.5 µmol/h with visible (>420 nm) and NIR (>780 nm) light irradiation, respectively. Furthermore, PITIC-ThF Pdots exhibit a promising apparent quantum yield (AQY) at 700 nm (4.76%).

Hailemariam, AG, Syum Z, Mamo TT, Qorbani M, Hsing C-R, Sabbah A, Quadir S, Bayikadi KS, Wu H-L, Wei C-M, Chen L-C, Chen K-H.  2024.  Oxygen-Incorporated Lithium-Rich Iron Sulfide Cathodes for Li-Ion Batteries with Boosted Material Stability and Electrochemical Performance, 2024. Chemistry of MaterialsChemistry of Materials. 36(19):9370-9379.: American Chemical Society AbstractWebsite
Lee, S-W, Abdi ZG, Chen J-C, Chen K-H.  2021.  Optimal method for preparing sulfonated polyaryletherketones with high ion exchange capacity by acid-catalyzed crosslinking for proton exchange membrane fuel cells, 2021. Journal of Polymer ScienceJournal of Polymer Science. 59(8):706-720.: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd AbstractWebsite

Abstract Sulfonated polyaryletherketones (SPAEK) bearing four sulfonic acid groups on the phenyl side groups were synthesized. The benzophenone moiety of polymer backbone was further reduced to benzydrol group with sodium borohydride. The membranes were crosslinked by acid-catalyzed Friedel-Crafts reaction without sacrifice of sulfonic acid groups and ion exchange capacity (IEC) values. Crosslinked membranes with the same IEC value but different water uptake could be prepared. The optimal crosslinking condition was investigated to achieve lower water uptake, better chemical stability (Fenton's test), and higher proton conductivity. In addition, the hydrophilic ionic channels from originally course and disordered could be modified to be narrow and continuous by this crosslinking method. The crosslinked membranes, CS4PH-40-PEKOH (IEC = 2.4 meq./g), reduced water uptake from 200 to 88% and the weight loss was reduced from 11 to 5% during the Fenton test compared to uncrosslinked one (S4PH-40-PEK). The membrane showed comparable proton conductivity (0.01?0.19?S/cm) to Nafion 212 at 80°C from low to high relative humidity (RH). Single H2/O2 fuel cell based on the crosslinked SPAEK with catalyst loading of 0.25?mg/cm2 (Pd/C) exhibited a peak power density of 220.3 mW/cm2, which was close to that of Nafion 212 (214.0 mW/cm2) at 80°C under 53% RH. These membranes provide a good option as proton exchange membrane with high ion exchange capacity for fuel cells.

Huang, W-F, Chang S-T, Huang H-C, Wang C-H, Chen L-C, Chen K-H, Lin MC.  2020.  On the Reduction of O2 on Cathode Surfaces of Co–Corrin and Co–Porphyrin: A Computational and Experimental Study on Their Relative Efficiencies in H2O/H2O2 Formation, 2020. The Journal of Physical Chemistry CThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 124(8):4652-4659.: American Chemical Society AbstractWebsite
Talwa, DN, Liao YC, Chen LC, Chen KH, Feng ZC.  2014.  Optical properties of plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy grown InN/Sapphire. Opt. Mater. . 37:1.
Hsu, CW, A.Ganguly, Chen CP, Kuo CC, Paskov PP, Holtz PO, Chen KH, Chen LC.  2011.  Optical properties of functionalized GaN nanowires. J. Appl. Phys.. 109:053523.
Huang, Y-F, Chattopadhyay* S, Hsu H-C, Wu C-T, Chen K-H, Chen L-C.  2011.  Origin and tuning of surface optic and long wavelength phonons in biomimetic GaAs nanotip arrays. Optical Materials Express. 1:535.
Wang, C-H, Chang S-T, Hsu H-C, Du H-Y, Wu JC-S, Chen L-C, Chen* K-H.  2011.  Oxygen reducing activity of methanol-tolerant catalysts by high-temperature pyrolysis. Diamond & Relat. Mater.. 20:322.
Lin, YG, Hsu YK, Chen SY, Chen LC, Chen* KH.  2010.  O2 plasma-activated CuO-ZnO inverse opals as high-performance methanol microreformer. J. Mater. Chem.. 20:10611-10614.
Huang, PJ, Chen CW, Chen JY, Chi GC, Pan* CJ, Kuo CC, Chen LC, Hsu CW, Chen KH, Hung SC, Chan CY, Pearton SJ, Ren F.  2009.  Optical and Structural Properties of Mg-ion Implanted GaN Nanowires. Vacuum. 83:797.
Wei, PC, Chattopadhyay S, Lin FS, Hsu CM, Jou S, Chen JT, Huang PJ, Chen LC, Chen KH, Shih HC.  2009.  Origin of the anomalous temperature evolution of photoluminescence peak energy in degenerate InN nanocolumns. Opt. Express. 17:11690-11697.
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