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Chen, YC, Liao YA, Hsu L, Yu IA.  2001.  Simple technique for directly and accurately measuring the number of atoms in a magneto-optical trap, Sep. Physical Review A. 64 AbstractWebsite

We have systematically studied a simple technique that accurately determines number of atoms in a magneto-optical trap, Absorption energy of a laser field that interacts with cold atoms is a direct measurement of atom number. The measured energy neither depends on the detuning, intensity, and polarization of the laser field nor is affected by other system parameters. Our work also demonstrates that such technique can be applied to study the phenomenon of coherent population trapping.

Mickelson, PG, Martinez YN, Saenz AD, Nagel SB, Chen YC, Killian TC, Pellegrini P, Cote R.  2005.  Spectroscopic determination of the s-wave scattering lengths of Sr-86 and Sr-88, Nov 25. Physical Review Letters. 95 AbstractWebsite

We report the use of photoassociative spectroscopy to determine the ground-state s-wave scattering lengths for the main bosonic isotopes of strontium, Sr-86 and Sr-88. Photoassociative transitions are driven with a laser red detuned by up to 1400 GHz from the S-1(0)-P-1(1) atomic resonance at 461 nm. A minimum in the transition amplitude for Sr-86 at -494 +/- 5 GHz allows us to determine the scattering lengths 610a(0)< a(86)< 2300a(0) for Sr-86 and a much smaller value of -1a(0)< a(88)< 13a(0) for Sr-88.

Jen, HH, Chen YC.  2016.  Spectral shaping of cascade emissions from multiplexed cold atomic ensembles. Physical Review A. 93 :013811.
Jen, HH, Chang M-S, Lin G-D, Chen Y-C.  2019.  Subradiance dynamics in a singly-excited chiral-coupled atomic chain. arXiv:1905.00558.
Jen, HH, Chang M-S, Lin G-D, Chen YC.  2020.  Subradiance dynamics in a singly excited chirally coupled atomic chain. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 101(023830)Link