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Tsai, P-J, Hsiao Y-F, Chen Y-C.  2020.  Quantum storage and manipulation of heralded single photons in atomic quantum memories. Phys. Rev. Research. 2(033155)Link
Chen, YW, Lin CW, Chen YC, Yu IA.  2002.  Quantization axes in coherent two-field spectroscopy, Aug. Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics. 19:1917-1921., Number 8 AbstractWebsite

Coherent two-field spectroscopy calculations with different choices of the quantization (z) axis are compared. In a system driven by a strong coupling field and a weak probe field, alignment of the z axis along either the polarization direction of a linearly polarized coupling field or the propagation direction of a circularly polarized coupling field is shown to simplify the calculations and facilitate interpretation of the results. The advantages of a suitable choice of the z axis are highlighted with an example of a degenerate three-level system of electromagnetically induced transparency. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.