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Chen, YC, Liao YA, Chiu HY, Su JJ, Yu IA.  2001.  Observation of the quantum interference phenomenon induced by interacting dark resonances, Nov. Physical Review A. 64:5., Number 5 AbstractWebsite

We report an experimental observation of narrow and high-contrast spectra. which are induced by interacting dark resonances and have been predicted in Phys. Rev. A 60, 3225 (1999). Spectra are measured with cold (87)Rb atoms produced by a magneto-optical trap. In this experimental system, a coupling laser and a weak probe laser form a three-level Lambda -type configuration of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT); a microwave drives a magnetic-dipole transition between the fourth level and the ground state that is coupled with the excited state by the coupling laser. The observed spectral profile of probe absorption exhibits a very sharp peak emerging inside a narrow EIT dip. Such spectral feature provides more opportunities in manipulating atomic-optical response.