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Chang, K-F, Wang T-P, Chen C-Y, Chen Y-H, Wang Y-S, Chen Y-F, Chen Y-C, Yu IA.  2021.  Low-loss, high-fidelity frequency beam splitter with tunable split ratio based on electromagnetical-ly induced transparency. Phys. Rev. Research. 3, 013096 (2021)
Chang, K-F, Wang T-P, Chen C-Y, Chen Y-H, Wang Y-S, Chen Y-F, Chen Y-C, Yu IA.  2019.  Low-Loss High-Fidelity Frequency-Mode Hadamard Gates Based on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency. arXiv. 1907.03393
Chiu, C-K, Chen Y-H, Chen Y-C, Yu IA, Chen Y-C, Chen Y-F.  2014.  Low-light-level four-wave mixing by quantum interference. Phys. Rev. A. 89:5. Abstract

We observed electromagnetically induced transparency-based four-wave mixing (FWM) in the pulsed regime at low light levels. The FWM conversion efficiency of 3.8(9)% was observed in a four-level system of cold 87Rb atoms using a driving laser pulse with a peak intensity of ≈80 μW/cm2, corresponding to an energy of ≈60 photons per atomic cross section. Comparison between the experimental data and the theoretical predictions proposed by Harris and Hau [Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4611 (1999)] showed good agreement. Additionally, a high conversion efficiency of 46(2)% was demonstrated when applying this scheme using a driving laser intensity of ≈1.8 mW/cm2. According to our theoretical predictions, this FWM scheme can achieve a conversion efficiency of nearly 100% when using a dense medium with an optical depth of 500.

Shiau, BW, Wu MC, Lin CC, Chen YC.  2011.  Low-Light-Level Cross-Phase Modulation with Double Slow Light Pulses, May. Physical Review Letters. 106:4., Number 19 AbstractWebsite

We report on the first experimental demonstration of low-light-level cross-phase modulation (XPM) with double slow light pulses based on the double electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in cold cesium atoms. The double EIT is implemented with two control fields and two weak fields that drive populations prepared in the two doubly spin-polarized states. Group velocity matching can be obtained by tuning the intensity of either of the control fields. The XPM is based on the asymmetric M-type five-level system formed by the two sets of EIT. Enhancement in the XPM by group velocity matching is observed. Our work advances studies of low-light-level nonlinear optics based on double slow light pulses.

Liu, Z-Y, Chen Y-H, Chen Y-C, Lo H-Y, Tsai P-J, Yu IA, Chen Y-C, Chen Y-F.  2016.  Large Cross-Phase Modulations at the Few-Photon Level. Phys. Rev. Lett. 117(203601)