Hsiao, Y-F, Tsai P-J, Lin C-C, Chen Y-F, Yu IA, Chen Y-C.
Coherence properties of amplified slow light by four-wave mixing. Optics Letters. 39(12):3394-3397.
AbstractWe present an experimental study of the coherence properties of amplified slow light by four-wave mixing (FWM) in a three-level electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) system driven by one additional pump field. High energy gain (up to 19) is obtained with a weak pump field (a few mW∕cm2) using optically dense cold atomic gases. A large fraction of the amplified light is found to be phase incoherent to the input signal field. The dependence of the incoherent fraction on pump field intensity and detuning and the control field intensity is systematically studied. With the classical input pulses, our results support a recent theoretical study by Lauk et al. [Phys. Rev. A 88, 013823 (2013)], showing that the noise resulting from the atomic dipole fluctuations associated with spontaneous decay is significant in the high gain regime. This effect has to be taken into consideration in EIT-based applications in the presence of FWM.
Chen, YH, Lee MJ, Wang IC, Du SW, Chen YF, Chen YC, Yu IA.
Coherent Optical Memory with High Storage Efficiency and Large Fractional Delay, Feb. Physical Review Letters. 110:5., Number 8
AbstractA high-storage efficiency and long-lived quantum memory for photons is an essential component in long-distance quantum communication and optical quantum computation. Here, we report a 78% storage efficiency of light pulses in a cold atomic medium based on the effect of electromagnetically induced transparency. At 50% storage efficiency, we obtain a fractional delay of 74, which is the best up-to-date record. The classical fidelity of the recalled pulse is better than 90% and nearly independent of the storage time, as confirmed by the direct measurement of phase evolution of the output light pulse with a beat-note interferometer. Such excellent phase coherence between the stored and recalled light pulses suggests that the current result may be readily applied to single photon wave packets. Our work significantly advances the technology of electromagnetically induced transparency-based optical memory and may find practical applications in long-distance quantum communication and optical quantum computation. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.083601
Lin, PY, Shiau BW, Hsiao YF, Chen YC.
Creation of arbitrary spectra with an acousto-optic modulator and an injection-locked diode laser, Aug. Review of Scientific Instruments. 82:6., Number 8
AbstractWe use a double-passed acousto-optic modulator (AOM), driven by an arbitrary waveform generator to produce multiple frequency components for a laser with arbitrary frequency spacings. A programmed sequence containing various sections of radio-frequency sinusoidal signal at different frequency is applied to drive the AOM. The diffracted light is used to injection-lock a diode laser. The combined techniques allow us to generate the multi-line spectra for the diode laser with arbitrary frequency spacings in the range of 100 MHz at a relatively high output power of 80 mW and a small power variation of 2%. Such a light source can be used in the application for laser cooling of molecules. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3626903]
Tung, SK, Chen YC, Lin CW, Hsu L, Yu IA.
Cooling atoms below 100 mu K, Apr. Chinese Journal of Physics. 38:395-399., Number 2
AbstractWe capture Rb-87 atoms from room-temperature background vapor with a magneto-optical trap (MOT). The temperature of the atoms in the MOT is 320 mu K as the result of Doppler cooling. We further employ polarization gradient cooling to lower atom temperature. The factors that can affect the performance of polarization gradient cooling have been systematically studied. An atom temperature of 75 mu K has been reached with the optimized conditions. Temperatures are measured by the release and recapture method and the time of flight method. Such cold atoms are ready for the evaporative cooling which will finally realize the Bose-Einstein condensation.