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Lo, HY, Chen YC, Su PC, Chen HC, Chen JX, Yu IA, Chen YF.  2011.  Electromagnetically-induced-transparency-based cross-phase-modulation at attojoule levels, Apr. Physical Review A. 83:4., Number 4 AbstractWebsite

We report the experimental demonstration of electromagnetically-induced-transparency-based cross-phase-modulation at attojoule or, equivalently, few-hundred-photon levels. A phase shift of 0.005 rad of a probe pulse modulated by a signal pulse with an energy of similar to 100 aJ, equivalent to similar to 400 photons, was observed in a four-level system of cold (87)Rb atoms.

Liu, Z-Y, Chen Y-H, Chen Y-C, Lo H-Y, Tsai P-J, Yu IA, Chen Y-C, Chen Y-F.  2016.  Large Cross-Phase Modulations at the Few-Photon Level. Phys. Rev. Lett. 117(203601)
Lin, PY, Shiau BW, Hsiao YF, Chen YC.  2011.  Creation of arbitrary spectra with an acousto-optic modulator and an injection-locked diode laser, Aug. Review of Scientific Instruments. 82:6., Number 8 AbstractWebsite

We use a double-passed acousto-optic modulator (AOM), driven by an arbitrary waveform generator to produce multiple frequency components for a laser with arbitrary frequency spacings. A programmed sequence containing various sections of radio-frequency sinusoidal signal at different frequency is applied to drive the AOM. The diffracted light is used to injection-lock a diode laser. The combined techniques allow us to generate the multi-line spectra for the diode laser with arbitrary frequency spacings in the range of 100 MHz at a relatively high output power of 80 mW and a small power variation of 2%. Such a light source can be used in the application for laser cooling of molecules. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3626903]

Lin, C-C, Wu M-C, Shiau B-W, Chen Y-H, Yu IA, Chen Y-F, Chen Y-C.  2012.  Enhanced all-optical switching with double slow light pulses, Dec 28. Physical Review A. 86 AbstractWebsite
Lin, YW, Chou HC, Dwivedi PP, Chen YC, Yu IA.  2008.  Using a pair of rectangular coils in the MOT for the production of cold atom clouds with large optical density, Mar. Optics Express. 16:3753-3761., Number 6 AbstractWebsite

We demonstrate a simple method to increase the optical density (OD) of cold atom clouds produced by a magneto-optical trap (MOT). A pair of rectangular anti-Helmholtz coils is used in the MOT to generate the magnetic field that produces the cigar-shaped atom cloud. With 7.2 x 10(8) Rb-87 atoms in the cigar-type MOT, we achieve an OD of 32 as determined by the slow light measurement and this OD is large enough such that the atom cloud can almost contain the entire Gaussian light pulse. Compared to the conventional MOT under the same trapping conditions, the OD is increased by about 2.7 folds by this simple method. In another MOT setup of the cigar-shaped Cs atom cloud, we achieve an OD of 105 as determined by the absorption spectrum of the |6S(1/2), F = 4 > ->| 6P(3/2), F ' = 5 > transition. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America

Lee, C-Y, Wu B-H, Wang G, Chen Y-F, Chen Y-C, Yu IA.  2016.  High conversion efficiency in resonant four-wave mixing processes. Optics Express. 24 :1008-1016.
Laha, S, Chen YC, Gupta P, Simien CE, Martinez YN, Mickelson PG, Nagel SB, Killian TC.  2006.  Kinetic energy oscillations in annular regions of ultracold neutral plasmas, Oct. European Physical Journal D. 40:51-56., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

A study of ion equilibration in annular regions of ultracold strontium plasmas is reported. Plasmas are formed by photoionizing laser-cooled atoms with a pulsed dye laser. The experimental probe is spatially-resolved absorption spectroscopy using the S-2(1/2)-P-2(1/2) transition of the Sr+ ion. The kinetic energy of the ions is calculated from the Doppler broadening of the spectrum, and it displays clear oscillations during the first microsecond after plasma formation. The oscillations, which are a characteristic of strong coulomb coupling, are fit with a simple phenomenological model incorporating damping and density variation in the plasma.