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Kim, B, Chen K-T, Hsiao S-S, Wang S-Y, Li K-B, Ruseckas J, JuzeliĆ«nas G, Kirova T, Auzinsh M, Chen Y-C, Chen Y-F, Yu IA.  2021.  A weakly-interacting many-body system of Rydberg polaritons based on electromagnetically in-duced transparency. Commun. Phys. 4:101(2021)
Jen, HH, Chang M-S, Lin G-D, Chen Y-C.  2019.  Subradiance dynamics in a singly-excited chiral-coupled atomic chain. arXiv:1905.00558.
Jen, HH, Chang M-S, Lin G-D, Chen YC.  2020.  Subradiance dynamics in a singly excited chirally coupled atomic chain. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 101(023830)Link
Jen, HH, Chen YC.  2016.  Spectral shaping of cascade emissions from multiplexed cold atomic ensembles. Physical Review A. 93 :013811.
Jen, HH, Lin G-D, Chen Y-C.  2022.  Resonant dipole-dipole interactions in electromagnetically induced transparency.. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 105, 063711(2022)
Jen, H-H, Lin G-D, Chen Y-C.  2022.  Resonant dipole-dipole interactions in electromagnetically induced transparency. Phys. Rev. A. 105, 063711(2022)
Chan, Y-H, Jiang H-C, Chen Y-C.  2023.  Plaquette valence bond state in the spin- 12 J1 -J2 XY model on the square lattice.. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 107, 214402(2023)
Jen, HH, Chang MS, Chen YC.  2016.  Cooperative single-photon subradiant states. Physical Review A. 94(1):013803.
Jen, HH, Chang M-S, Chen Y-C.  2018.  Cooperative light scattering from helical-phase-imprinted atomic rings. Scientific Reports. 8(9570)