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Killian, TC, Chen YC, Gupta P, Laha S, Martinez YN, Mickelson PG, Nagel SB, Saenz AD, Simien CE.  2005.  Absorption imaging and spectroscopy of ultracold neutral plasmas, Jan 28. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics. 38:S351-S362. AbstractWebsite

Absorption imaging and spectroscopy can probe the dynamics of an ultracold neutral plasma during the first few microseconds after its creation. Quantitative analysis of the data, however, is complicated by the inhomogeneous density distribution, expansion of the plasma and possible lack of global thermal equilibrium for the ions. In this paper, we describe methods for addressing these issues. Using simple assumptions about the underlying temperature distribution and ion motion, the Doppler-broadened absorption spectrum obtained from plasma images can be related to the average temperature in the plasma.

Simien, CE, Chen YC, Gupta P, Laha S, Martinez YN, Mickelson PG, Nagel SB, Killian TC.  2005.  Absorption imaging of ultracold neutral plasmas, Apr. Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science. 33:540-541. AbstractWebsite

We report optical absorption imaging of ultracold neutral plasmas. Imaging allows direct observation of the ion density profile and expansion of the plasma. The frequency dependence of the plasma's optical depth gives the ion absorption spectrum, which is broadened by the ion motion. We use the spectral width to monitor ion equilibration in the first 250 ns after plasma formation. On a microsecond time scale, we observe the radial acceleration of ions resulting from pressure exerted by the trapped electron gas.

Chen, YC, Simien CE, Laha S, Gupta P, Martinez YN, Mickelson PG, Nagel SB, Killian TC.  2004.  Electron screening and kinetic-energy oscillations in a strongly coupled plasma, Dec 31. Physical Review Letters. 93 AbstractWebsite

We study equilibration of strongly coupled ions in an ultracold neutral plasma produced by photoionizing laser-cooled and trapped atoms. By varying the electron temperature, we show that electron screening modifies the equilibrium ion temperature. Even with few electrons in a Debye sphere, the screening is well described by a model using a Yukawa ion-ion potential. We also observe damped oscillations of the ion kinetic energy that are a unique feature of equilibration of a strongly coupled plasma.

Guan, WY, Chen YC, Wei JYT, Xu YH, Wu MK.  1993.  ION-SIZE EFFECT ON T(M) AND T(C) IN (R1-XPR(X))BA2CU3O7 SYSTEMS (R = YB, TM, ER, HO, DY, GD, EU, SM, ND AND Y), Apr. Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications. 209:19-22., Number 1-3 AbstractWebsite

The magnetic ordering temperatures T(m) of Pr ions in (R1-xPrx)Ba2Cu3O7 systems (R = Yb, Tm, Er, Ho, Dy, Gd, Eu, Sm, Nd and Y) with x = 0.5 - 1.0 were measured. We observe that T(m) decreases monotonically with increasing R concentration. At constant x, T(m) is R ion-size dependent. The slope in the T(m) vs. x is steeper for ion with smaller ionic radius. In comparison with the ion-size effect on the superconducting transition temperatures T(c) in these systems, the observed results can be qualitatively interpreted in terms of the hybridization between the local states of Pr ion and the conduction band states of the CuO2 planes.

Guan, WY, Xu YH, Sheen SR, Chen YC, Wei JYT, Lai HF, Wu MK, Ho JC.  1994.  ION-SIZE EFFECT ON TN IN (R1-XPRX)BA2CU3O7-Y SYSTEMS (R=LU, YB, TM, ER, Y, HO, DY, GD, EU, SM, AND ND), Jun 1. Physical Review B. 49:15993-15999. AbstractWebsite

We conducted a detailed study of the structure and magnetic properties of (R1-xPrx)Ba2Cu3O7 sintered samples, where R = Lu, Yb, Tm, Er, Y, Ho, Dy, Gd, Eu, Sm, and Nd for x = 0.5-1.0. We found that the temperature dependence of the dc susceptibility follows the Curie-Weiss law in the temperature range 20-300 K and the paramagnetism of the Pr and R sublattices exist independently of one another. The antiferromagnetic ordering temperature T(N) of Pr ions decreases monotonically with increasing R concentration (1-x). At a given x, T(N) is R-ion-size dependent. The slope in the T(N) vs x curve is steeper for ions with smaller ionic radii. The observed results are interpreted in terms of the hybridization between the local states of the Pr ion and the valence-band states of the CuO2 planes.

Laha, S, Chen YC, Gupta P, Simien CE, Martinez YN, Mickelson PG, Nagel SB, Killian TC.  2006.  Kinetic energy oscillations in annular regions of ultracold neutral plasmas, Oct. European Physical Journal D. 40:51-56., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

A study of ion equilibration in annular regions of ultracold strontium plasmas is reported. Plasmas are formed by photoionizing laser-cooled atoms with a pulsed dye laser. The experimental probe is spatially-resolved absorption spectroscopy using the S-2(1/2)-P-2(1/2) transition of the Sr+ ion. The kinetic energy of the ions is calculated from the Doppler broadening of the spectrum, and it displays clear oscillations during the first microsecond after plasma formation. The oscillations, which are a characteristic of strong coulomb coupling, are fit with a simple phenomenological model incorporating damping and density variation in the plasma.

Killian, TC, Chen YC, Gupta P, Laha S, Martinez YN, Mickelson PG, Nagel SB, Saenz AD, Simien CE.  2005.  Ultracold neutral plasmas, May. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 47:A297-A306. AbstractWebsite

Ultracold neutral plasmas are formed by photo-ionizing laser-cooled atoms near the ionization threshold. Through the application of atomic physics techniques and diagnostics, these experiments stretch the boundaries of traditional neutral plasma physics. The electron temperature in these plasmas ranges from 1 to 1000 K and the ion temperature is around 1 K. The density can approach 10(11) cm(-3). Fundamental interest stems from the possibility of creating strongly coupled plasmas, but recombination, collective modes, and thermalization in these systems have also been studied. Optical absorption images of a strontium plasma, using the Sr+ S-2(1/2) -> P-2(1/2) transition at 422 mn, depict the density profile of the plasma, and probe kinetics on a 50 ns time-scale. The Doppler-broadened ion absorption spectrum measures the ion velocity distribution, which gives an accurate measure of the ion dynamics in the first microsecond after photo-ionization.

Simien, CE, Chen YC, Gupta P, Laha S, Martinez YN, Mickelson PG, Nagel SB, Killian TC.  2004.  Using absorption imaging to study ion dynamics in an ultracold neutral plasma, Apr. Physical Review Letters. 92:4., Number 14 AbstractWebsite

We report optical absorption imaging of ultracold neutral strontium plasmas. The ion absorption spectrum determined from the images is Doppler broadened and thus provides a quantitative measure of the ion kinetic energy. For the particular plasma conditions studied, ions heat rapidly as they equilibrate during the first 250 ns after plasma formation. Equilibration leaves ions on the border between the weakly coupled gaseous and strongly coupled liquid states. On a longer time scale of microseconds, pressure exerted by the trapped electron gas accelerates the ions radially.